Now that's a plate of food for dinner that will have you skipping breakfast the next day cause you are still full! Very nice David
Boy David you just put my quiche to shame. That is one fantastic looking plate.
Point for sure
Great stuff right there! I love breakfast food at any time of the day!
Great use of leftover smoked or rotisserie barnyard foul! Looks tasty!
I like pizza for breakfast and breakfast for dinner sometimes, nice work David, I'd hit that in hot second! A fine use of leftovers too, waste not want not. RAY
Now that's a plate of food for dinner that will have you skipping breakfast the next day cause you are still full! Very nice David
Congrats David, you deserve it.
That looks fantastic!
Dang man some would say they would be up to their elbows me I'd be higher than that. Like already been said breakfast at anytime for me.
Awesome looking meal all around there guy.