Beep in the woods - test test test Beep in the woods - test test test Beep in the woods - test test test Beep in the woods - test test test
Sorry if you don't like what I post - I get lots of PMs thanking me for stuff & asking for more info... Anyway this is the test section. My grandma hasn't been doing so great since my pap passed & I was testing & setting up some voice software with her so that she can go online a little bit by herself & I just happened to use the test section here to help set it up...
I fail to understand most of what you post anymore.
Yeah it's working good so far & gives her a little more independence at her house. She is in her 80's & has bad arthritis - it's really hard for her to try to type so I'm glad this helpsdid it work ?? will be nice if you can communicate with her ...
Didn't mean I didn't like anything, just that I didn't understand. I don't get a lot of the abbreviations used in general on here, and a lot of your post titles seem to be in some sort of code, at least at first, then you seem to change the titles. That's all I meant. I apologize for giving the appearance of making a nasty comment. Obviously when I made the comment I had no idea about your family situation or what the intent of the post was. I am sorry to hear about your Grandfather and applaud your efforts to assist your Grandmother.
Sorry if you don't like what I post - I get lots of PMs thanking me for stuff & asking for more info... Anyway this is the test section. My grandma hasn't been doing so great since my pap passed & I was testing & setting up some voice software with her so that she can go online a little bit by herself & I just happened to use the test section here to help set it up...