Huge difference in what I understand is called Plate ribs (roughly from the lower side and underside) and Back ribs.
The Plate ribs are MUCH thicker and meatier, and I guess thats where the "Short Ribs" come from.
Bones are much wider and flatter than as they go toward the spine.
But I feel very strongly, but this is just MY opinion, very well may differ for others, but I find the flavor of Back Ribs to be much better, again, my opinion, for me.
The taste is very different, like a Rib steak VERY different flavor from a NY strip or T bone.
Long story, half year ago I bought $100 of Plate ribs for the freezer, great price on sale.
I was very dissapointed, Missus lovvveed them.
What I love is the Back Ribs, same ones in a Rib Roast.
Some may call them "Texas Beef Ribs", and they come in a rack of 7 bones, sometimes bandsawn down the center, to make the approx 8" long bones 4".
Chef Jimmy will know the technical "model number" that specifies that cut.
ALL cuts have a specific standardized number assigned for commercial ordering.
Of course, commercially, they are very shy on meat, v cuts between bones, to increrase the weight of the boneless Rib Steaks.
Sure, from a Butcher that gets Primals, he can leave more meat on them, but then they will be like $6/ lb +, no way I can pay that.
Anyway, just some thoughts.
Beef prices have gone up so much compared to pork and chicken.
I can't believe any cut of Chuck Roast is $6/ lb + for some time now.
I guess, demand, (like chicken wings), AND costs more to raise beef. Marc