Are You Sure You Properly Placed Your Brisket Probes????

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Legendary Pitmaster
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Dec 30, 2016
Get ready to see how probe placement in your brisket can read very differently even when you try to aim for the best spot.
When doing briskets people will give you all kinds of internal temps (IT) that a brisket can be done at and the range varies widely from 190F-212F.
The best practice is that a brisket is done when it is TENDER and to use the IT as a guide to tell when to check for tenderness.

I believe that a brisket's IT can vary, but I think the large variations are probably due to the placement of the probes more than anything else so I always mention this.
I try to place 3 meat probes in a brisket in the thickest yet center most portion of the flat and usually one of the three gets it right.

I was doing 2 briskets at once and one of the briskets was giving me weird numbers so I knew the probe placement was off, I had 3 probes in it.
Brisket #1 was ready a couple of hours before brisket #2, and brisket #2 was giving me readings that it should be probing tender but that was not the case. So when I pulled brisket #1 I put the 2 probes I had it in (only had 2 in that guy) into brisket #2 and rearranged brisket#2's probes because they were reading way too high for that brisket.
I aimed for the best spot on the brisket from different angles with all 5 probes and look at what turned up hahaha.

Temps of: 205.5F, 210.7F, 210F, 208F, and FINALLY the one that got it right 198F!
These were 2 Angus briskets for $1.97/lb I picked up Wednesday at a very nice grocery store that is part of a small chain.
They were 13-14 pounds each. One is wrapped waiting to be eaten for dinner and the other is vac sealed and cooling off to be frozen and eaten at a later date.


So what's the moral of the story? A brisket is one when it is TENDER not when the probe says it hits a certain temp, and only use the probes to check for tenderness!
Also, know that with a brisket the best probe placement is hard to achieve.
Finally, I know from experience now that the Prime briskets I cook will be tender 4-6F degrees of IT lower than the choice/angus briskets I do. I can't comment on select because apparently they are not allowed in my part of Texas.... we ship them to the rest of you guys around the country hahahha.

I hop this info is helpful, and enjoy your meal cause I know I will :)
Nice post . I just bought one today .

Thanks! Ooooh I look forward to a brisket post coming soon then lol.
I have a feeling they are going to be out of briskets for me to pick up anymore... with the superbowl and all this sunday.
Nice looking brisket and good info on probe location. Probably even better is the price you got on them, wished we could get them up here at that price!

On a totally different subject...loving my new auber!

Thanks again for all your advice
Nice looking brisket and good info on probe location. Probably even better is the price you got on them, wished we could get them up here at that price!

On a totally different subject...loving my new auber!

Thanks again for all your advice
Thanks! Yeah having a PID kicks ass compared to what Masterbuilt puts out with their MES :)

Very good info and DAMN $1.97 a lbs for brisket!!!!! What a deal

Yeah it was a heck of a deal, and Angus at that!
That's great insight as I always struggle with probes be it a Turkey, brisket, butt, or chuck roast. I usually have a jar of water I keep a probe in to give me a known value so I can add more wood and not have the big spikes of the door opening or if I'm in the right spot on the meat.
Wow what a great price for a brisket. I just bought one yesterday & paid $2.97 a pound. But I bought it to grind up for burgers, meatloaf, tacos, etc. I package it in 1 lb. packs & freeze them. I like it much better than ground chuck!
That's great insight as I always struggle with probes be it a Turkey, brisket, butt, or chuck roast. I usually have a jar of water I keep a probe in to give me a known value so I can add more wood and not have the big spikes of the door opening or if I'm in the right spot on the meat.
Yeah it is something that definitely has to be watched.

Wow what a great price for a brisket. I just bought one yesterday & paid $2.97 a pound. But I bought it to grind up for burgers, meatloaf, tacos, etc. I package it in 1 lb. packs & freeze them. I like it much better than ground chuck!

The prices were great. If i didnt hvae a ton of venison grind I would consider doing the same at these prices. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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