New Member here. Been browsing for a while after web searches. My Name is Sean and I live on Oahu, Hawaii. Been smoking a bit for years. Have a gas grill with a smoker box that I have messed around with. Then I got a Chargriller Acorn which I have had some fun with but always wanted an offset. Finally bought a Chargriller Grand Camp XD a month or so ago. It was in my budget and in Hawaii we are limited to what is available plus Home Depot shipped it here for free, big plus!! Would love a fully welded offset but shipping to here is Crazy. Have done some good mods that I have seen on YT and have been having fun with it! Couple good smokes and couple that were alright but not great. Also buying wood here is pricey if you get it from box stores but I can get a great supply of Kiawe for very reasonable prices. Picked up 250 lbs for $100 recently and very stoked with that. Kiawe is very a very dense wood and I have been working through how to get it to where it ignites quickly. Sorry for the ramble and Just wanted to say What's Up and that I have already got some great info from this site!!