If you are going to cook it in a smoker (which you can absolutely do) you cook it till it get to an internal temp of at least 152-155F. Use a good thermometer that is checked/calibrated for accuracy (i.e. boiling water test). use cure #1 as its made to prevent harmful bacteria from growing since your raw meat will be in the danger zone of 40F-140F for more than 4 hours. I'm not sure how new at this you are but i would suggest reading and research sausage making to understand what you are doing and we on this forum can give you tips and trick along the way.
The 4 best sources to acceralte your learning in sausge making in my opinion and of course this forum.
1. len poli's website is a good start
2. Stanley Marianski
https://www.meatsandsausages.com/ is another one I suggest
3. two guys in a cooler YouTube channel
4. duncan henry YouTube channel (Duncan explains it in the best way and simple to understand in my opinion start with his first video and work up)
first step to reverse engineer recipes like the above you posted is to get a gram scale that has an accuracy of .01 or .1 grams you can get them cheap on
amazon. learn the metric system as measure every spice/cure/seasoning in gram per kilogram of meat. You can check some of my posts on how me along with lots of other people here make sausage and break down the recipes.
for the above recipe i would first decide what amount you would like to make then divide everything down. i took the higher end of the recipe.
for every 1kg of meat (they have 15% fat but i would say 80/20 would work)
17g of salt
5g of red pepper
2g of black pepper
1g of onion
add 2.5g of cure #1
also add 100g or ml of water
grind twice, add your seasoning/water and cure and mix really well until its very sticky on your hands. keep all the meat cold under 40F while grinding stuffing and mixing.
stuff in natural hog casings or non edible collagen let it rest overnight in the fridge and smoke it at low temps 150-180 (you don't want the smoker really hot or the fat will melt to quick and cause it to be greasy but it needs to be hotter than 152 to get the meat up to temp) until it reach 152 F internal then drop it in ice water to cool it down and throw in the fridge overnight and test taste.
smoke steps for mine are usually 160F for 1-2 hours 170F for a few hours and 180F to get the internal temps up to the 152F mark. i suggest getting a multi probe thermometer and keeping an eye on the internal temps as you go along
Lastly keep in mind this will not taste like the stores or where you buy it as this is not dry cured and there is no starter cultures and fermenting happening here. if you are new to sausage making i don't recommend you jump into something like that on your first run until you get a grasp on the methods behind it
any other questions feel free to ask!!