My opinion . It looks perfect . Color , texture and the mix . Sounds like you're doing your homework too .
I learned everything I know about making sausage from this site . That's actually the reason I joined . No egos to deal with back then . Just friendly hands on experience . I did and still do a lot of reading through old posts from certain long time members . Reading and watching what they do , then asking yourself why is a great way to learn . Trying the methods and seeing what you like .
I just made the Chorizo Argentino from the Marianski site . Fresh sausage , but I added cure 1 and some potato starch to make a smoked version . Came out really good . Cooked on my pellet grill .
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I always use one grind . I see multiples suggested above . Try both ways .
This is one pass through 1/4" plate . Correct amount of salt and a good hand mix .
Cure 1 helps with the texture and the bind . I add the moisture and the NFDM or potato starch
a little at a time , and stop when it comes together . I don't make Summer sausage or smoked / cured sausage without a binder . I don't follow what a formula says , I add what it needs and stop . Works for me .
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AC Leggs Chorizo mix . Fresh no cure . This stuff will not come together . Never gets sticky when mixed . I'm thinking the salt in the mix is low and that's intended . Adding vinegar is an option .
It's supposed to be a loose mix . Flavor is great . I leave it in bulk now , but when I linked it up the best use was for a fajita type meal .
No cure / no binder and low salt percentage . You can see the texture difference .
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Grilled , sliced and on a tortilla . In bulk it makes great taco meat .
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