It was a great event. A lot of work but well worth it. I'd like to thank Tulsa Jeff for his generous and delicious donation as well as Lisa from
Vacuum Sealers Unlimited for supporting us once again.
The setup. Boykjo on the right. Big Turtle on the left.
Homemade Italian sausage and chicken breast on the grill for lunch.
Baby backs.
Some of Half Smoked Maryland Crab Veggie Soup.
Getting ready to grill some kebobs.
Kabob Ingredients.
Pile O' Pecan
A Happy Smoker
Beef Ribs.
Smoke Bourbon Bratwurst Big Turtle made. They were quite delish. Nice smoke ring.
Fruit salad. Gotta have something to wash down all that meat.
Many flavors available.
Chicken and some Mexican corn.
Meatloaves, Beans and a butt.
Watermelon time with Tabitha.
My girl the mixologist. Couldn't find any little umbrellas.
Rum and fruit. A wonderful combo.
Tri-Tip taken out at 135°.
This was awesome. Loved us some Tri-Tip.
Nice looking meat.
Spare ribs. STL style.
You can see they were enjoyed.
Smoking some moonshine.
And then we smoked some bourbon.
Then we lit the Christmas tree on fire.
Hope you enjoyed our little adventure.