That's a fine looking batch of sausage Ray!! No doubt a ton of work but the diligence to stick it out and get 'er done will pay the dividends for a long time. Excellent job my friend. Robert
Nice batch of sausage . I made some a couple weeks ago , and it's going fast . Having good equipment and a plan is key . I always do the 2 day plan , sometimes 3 . Nice work !
Yep...it's a game changer. I love mine. We needed it for our big deer and wild hog processing day anyways so I bought one and I'm glad I did. Really speeds up sausage making with large batches. I like that the LEM has 2 tons of force and will stuff snack sticks no problem...would like a motorized stuffer at some point.
Thats a lot of work at one time. Good job on you. I have ok equipment but would like a motorized stuffer at some point.
I know personally how good your sausage is Ray, so I will be right over to do a bit of shopping @ freezermart.![]()
I know personally how good your sausage is Ray, so I will be right over to do a bit of shopping @ freezermart.BIG LIKE! John
Hey...could you grab a couple packages for me while you're there? I make a good Italian sausage but what Ray did sounds amazing. Robert
Nice looking batch of sausage. I made a 5lb batch last week and homemade Italian sausage is so much better than the store bought stuff.
Ray, that sausage looks amazing! The biggest batch I make is about 5#, but mostly 2 1/2 lbs.
I can’t imagine making that much sausage! Al
Holy cow you sure have a nice set up. I have one question for you? Nice work!!!![]()