33 Pounds of Italian

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That's a fine looking batch of sausage Ray!! No doubt a ton of work but the diligence to stick it out and get 'er done will pay the dividends for a long time. Excellent job my friend.

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Nice batch of sausage . I made some a couple weeks ago , and it's going fast .
Having good equipment and a plan is key . I always do the 2 day plan , sometimes 3 .
Nice work !
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That's a fine looking batch of sausage Ray!! No doubt a ton of work but the diligence to stick it out and get 'er done will pay the dividends for a long time. Excellent job my friend. Robert

Thanks you so much my friend! I tell ya, it's one of those things that once you start there's no turning back until it's all done, or at least until one phase is complete. The fact that Jan pretty much only goes for the chicken Italian sausage I make for her and we hardly know anyone since we moved here, this batch should hold me for a good long while. Now I'm fairly well set till the not-so-frigid- AZ winter rolls around and I'll make another batch of hipshot burger, maybe some maple breakfast sausage pattys, and smoke up 15-16 pounds of Canadian bacon. Thank you for the Like Robert, I truly do appreciate it. RAY

Nice batch of sausage . I made some a couple weeks ago , and it's going fast . Having good equipment and a plan is key . I always do the 2 day plan , sometimes 3 . Nice work !

Thank you Rich! Just turning 69 and being chock full of arthritis there's no doubt in my head that were it not for the gear I've acquired over the years I wouldn't be able to make sausage anymore, and it's something I truly love doing. As you well know the feeling of pride and accomplishment that comes from turning a pile of 99¢ a pound porkbutt into something so special is pretty hard to beat. Thanks for the Like my friend, it is much appreciated! RAY
Thats a lot of work at one time. Good job on you. I have ok equipment but would like a motorized stuffer at some point.
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would like a motorized stuffer at some point.
Yep...it's a game changer. I love mine. We needed it for our big deer and wild hog processing day anyways so I bought one and I'm glad I did. Really speeds up sausage making with large batches. I like that the LEM has 2 tons of force and will stuff snack sticks no problem...
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Thats a lot of work at one time. Good job on you. I have ok equipment but would like a motorized stuffer at some point.

Thank you Adam! You will find that with time you'll become more limited in your capabilities to accomplish what you desire to get done, there's no way around it, it's just a part of getting older. What took 4-5 hours ten years back now takes a couple of days, it hurts more and takes more time to recover. Don't be afraid to spoil yourself a little in the effort to continue doing the things you love to do, we won't be here forever, we have to enjoy every moment of every day as much as possible, nobody gets out alive. RAY
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Nice looking batch of sausage. I made a 5lb batch last week and homemade Italian sausage is so much better than the store bought stuff.
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I know personally how good your sausage is Ray, so I will be right over to do a bit of shopping @ freezermart. :emoji_laughing: BIG LIKE! John

Hell John, since moving here last year you are about the only person I've met in AZ, of course I've got a little something set aside for you. We'll wait a bit to get together again for things to cool down some, I'll have so a pack of my Canadian bacon for you kids made by then also. Thanks for the Like amigo, it is much appreciated! RAY

Hey...could you grab a couple packages for me while you're there? I make a good Italian sausage but what Ray did sounds amazing. Robert

You get out here and I'd empty out a cooler full of Freezemart treats for you Robert, maybe fire up the SQ36 and we'll have some special single malt scotch too! RAY

Nice looking batch of sausage. I made a 5lb batch last week and homemade Italian sausage is so much better than the store bought stuff.

I'd imagine the last store-bought Italian sausage I ate would have been something my mama cooked up, and that'd be a good 25 years ago. I've got the seasoning to make some Bratwurst so I might buy one at the market just to recall what they taste like and see if it's something I want to make the effort to produce a batch. RAY
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Ray, that sausage looks amazing!
The biggest batch I make is about 5#, but mostly 2 1/2 lbs.
I can’t imagine making that much sausage!
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Ray, that sausage looks amazing! The biggest batch I make is about 5#, but mostly 2 1/2 lbs.
I can’t imagine making that much sausage! Al

Thank you Al! I'll tell you, it ain't getting any easier, that's for sure. I made 5lb batches when I had my little hand crank stuffer and all that changed when I started processing my own wild hogs for sausage and hams. When I got my 1hp grinder from Cabelas I started making bigger batches just stuffing with that, then that begat my dedicated motorized stuffer. Sausage making and meat smoking, the gift that just keeps right on giving! Thanks for the Like Al, much appreciated! RAY
Holy cow you sure have a nice set up. I have one question for you? Nice work!!!:emoji_thumbsup::emoji_thumbsup::emoji_thumbsup:

Thanks forktender forktender , I'm a Bay Area boy, 4th generation SF, never even been back east. Wife thought I was all set once I had my grinder and Pro 100 smoker from Cabelas, now she knows it never stops! Thank you for the Like, much appreciated! RAY
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