Meat Mopper
Give it some time. I expect these to be hitting the selves around march time frame. Just keep a look out and i will do more searching for model numbers.
I'm assuming the MES 30 is the model without the temperature probe, so you'll need to get one. Also, don't get wood "chunks". The MES uses wood "chips", instead. The cover is optional, but if you're going to have it outdoors, you should get one, in my opinion. I couldn't tell you anything about the quality of it, though, because I don't have one.All, I am finally buying my MES 30 tomorrow from Amazon. I am trying to get them to pricematch the $149 price at Lowes. What I want to know is what else do I need to buy that I should order from Amazon to get me going? Should I buy wood chunks from them, what about a meat probe? Do I need the cast iron skillet fix for the wood box? Is the Masterbuilt cover any good? Anything I'm missing?
I am so close I can taste the smoke!
The best question hasn't been asked yet. When will they mark down the 2011 MES units? Lowes has the MES 30 for $149 now. If it hits $100 I'm all over it.
I'm assuming the MES 30 is the model without the temperature probe, so you'll need to get one. Also, don't get wood "chunks". The MES uses wood "chips", instead. The cover is optional, but if you're going to have it outdoors, you should get one, in my opinion. I couldn't tell you anything about the quality of it, though, because I don't have one.
Best of luck to you!
OK guys I may be able to help here.
1 watt = 3.412 BTU's (rounded off)
1 BTU is the amount of energy required to raise 1 pound of water 1 degree (I am told it takes the same amount of energy for meat)
1 gallon water weighs approximately 8.34 pounds
say you want to bring 1 gallon of water to boiling from room temp. (68 degrees)
212 - 68 = 144 (difference in temp) 144 X 8.34 = 1200.96 (BTU's required to boil 1 gallon water)
1200.96 / 3.412 = 351.981 watts
So it takes 351.981 watts to boil 1 gallon water or 8.34 pounds meat
so as you can see there 650 watt element can only heat approximately 16 pounds meat
I guess they are not making them all Stainless Steel any more...JJ