I don’t care how many of you younger kids post how great masterbuilt gravity 560 is, you’re an inexperienced smoker and griller and leading people to spend their hard working money on a POS. I’ve never purchased anything but masterbuilt for over 40 years until now. I’ve lost all respect for masterbuilt after purchasing this crap. To start out with right out of the box it wouldn’t connect to internet. I followed instructions to upgrade firmware, no luck. I had to call them and they thought they could walk me through it, ha ha, to their surprise they couldn’t fix it. They did send me another controller already updated end. During this entire process this is the only thing they done to prove they were a professional company everything moving forward, is a downhill disaster. After receiving new controller it did connect to my wi fi then Bluetooth. At this time I was happy until I tried using the built in thermometers, neither of them worked. Wife purchased me a Bluetooth so I used it and liked it better. Next problem one week later all the protective metal inside on the back started coming apart this is ridiculous for the cost of this grill. I sent a complaint nobody called me back. Now it gets worse, the new controller two weeks old, quit working again, I was pissed to say the less. I tried calling, putting in support ticket, nobody got back to me, without this it’s useless. My neighbor came over and looked at it and wire in the controller came unsoldered. He said all the wires is the worse soldering job he’s ever seen. It’s back on but now won’t connect to Bluetooth phone so I’ve been using it without phone which was the main reason I bought it. Now the switches on the doors are going out, you have to slam them two to three times to get them to work.
Masterbuilt is aware of all these problems and never tried to make them right. They just lost a 40 year customer and not only that I’ll try my best to talk people out of buying anything masterbuilt if I can, which so far I’ve been pretty damn successful. I will be purchasing me another grill after Christmas and scrap this one for metal, it’s useless, worse grill/smoker I’ve ever seen. For those of you who kiss masterbuilts ass, I don’t and never will, if you don’t like my truthful post, then keep your nosy Oprah Winfrey ass out of my business and don’t read it. That’s the problem with this world today. Stay away from masterbuilt if you don’t want to go through what I did.
Masterbuilt is aware of all these problems and never tried to make them right. They just lost a 40 year customer and not only that I’ll try my best to talk people out of buying anything masterbuilt if I can, which so far I’ve been pretty damn successful. I will be purchasing me another grill after Christmas and scrap this one for metal, it’s useless, worse grill/smoker I’ve ever seen. For those of you who kiss masterbuilts ass, I don’t and never will, if you don’t like my truthful post, then keep your nosy Oprah Winfrey ass out of my business and don’t read it. That’s the problem with this world today. Stay away from masterbuilt if you don’t want to go through what I did.