2 slabs and a loin

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Meat Mopper
Original poster
OTBS Member
Aug 21, 2006
Shreveport La
I gave up trying to find decent beef and decided to just cook what I got. Well, I got a very pretty pork loin and 2 super-meaty slabs of ribs. I trimmed it all down last night before bed and rubbed it down with Tulsa Jeff's rub.

Puff is now warming up nicely. He has obviously gotten lonely this past month as he has taken up boarders. Fotunately, I cracked the doors first and saw Kermit hiding in the corner. He was the cutest little green tree frog, but luckily for him, I had frog legs on Friday night! After much coaxing, I got him out onto a stick and down to my woodpile to safety. I think he was really starting to get uncomfortable as the doors to Puff were starting to heat up. He was lifting his little legs one at a time.

Anyways, I have my ribs trimmed and rubbed. My Pork loin rubbed down. My temps coming up. 8 bags of lump. My fridge stocked with beer and a bottle of Woodford Reserve bourbon to sip on.

I remember now why I usually do all night smokes though. It is quieter, no birds a chirping or distant traffic noises AND it is MUCH COOLER! I need to check the weather today, but so far I am thinking it is time to change out of my "flannel smoking pants" into some shorts! Or maybe I just need to drink more beer.

Hopefully, I have everything ready to eat by halftime of the LSU Final 4 game this evening. If not, so be it! That is why they make DVRs! I can just record it and watch it without commercials when I do get done.

PS Expect pictures in a day or two when I get motivated to upload them from my phone.
Puff is running about 15 degrees hot during the day-time. Guess he is being cranky!! Not even gonna sweat it! I will just adjust my cook times and eat closer to tip off.
mmm ribs! wish i would have added some to my weekend festivities. looking forward to those pics, always love seeing everyones mouthwatering bbq
You take what the smoker gives you on any given day. All part of the game I guess.

Take care, have fun, and do good!


I remember now why I usually do all night smokes though. It is quieter, no birds a chirping or distant traffic noises AND it is MUCH COOLER! I need to check the weather today, but so far I am thinking it is time to change out of my "flannel smoking pants" into some shorts! Or maybe I just need to drink more beer.

Living up here in Ontario, I find it difficult to hear some of you guys being less than appreciative about warm weather ... send it up here ... please!

Just have a beer and go with the flow, I did a slab-o-ribs yesterday and couldn't asked for a better bbq day. But today nicer day than yesterday but different wind and running 15 degrees cooler on the old smoker, no prob just a few cool ones and smoke is always a good day. Smoke on Brotha
I thought I smelled ribs cooking

Squeezy, never fear, we may talk about it being warm but we ain't complaining.
Puff must want to watch the game as well, because he is cooking hot and fast this afternoon! He has stayed between 240 and 250 all afternoon.

The Pork Loin has been in the cooler over an hour now. The ribs I removed from the foil and put back on to firm up. One of the slabs fell in half when I was moving it, so I think we may even be able to eat here in the next 30ish!!

Ya big tease!!!! I'm getting a new camera soon, I just might have to send you my old one.

Sounds great Zardnock, hope you enjoyed the game with some great food!!!
The food was definitely better than the game. Rutgers seriously out-played LSU.

As for the pics, I did some work on my computer recently and apparently I forgot to plug my USB cable back in, so my phone can't connect to download the pictures yet. I will try to get some time this evening to plug things back in and download pics.

The ribs were beyond tender. They were still juicy, but perhaps slightly overcooked. The pork loin was juicy and fork tender. Overall, I think I just need more practice with Puff running hot. I am used to his over night temps and probably didn't close the intakes early enough. I am also used to having a lot more meat inside him, so perhaps that had something to do with it.

Anyways, I will try to get that cable plugged in so I can download the pics.
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