Never to late to celebrate Brett and thanks ! It was lots of work and family fun and we were very fortunate.Sorry I am late to the celebration party but was off all last week and didn't turn on the computer once, so just saw this today.
Many thanks Mr G and still trying to recuperate .Man awesome thread. Also out last week and didn't see any of this. Congratulations I know you're pumped on that huge win
Good luck to you. I'm interested to see how the new pork rule shakes out.Packing up now for our 2nd comp .
This one is an annual event in Vidalia, GA with some top KCBS and GBC teams from Ga, including Mr Mixon. I'm a rookie and down 3 team members but planning to have fun and learn !
The Real Squeal BBQ and Music Festival, Lyons Georgia
BBQ & Music Festival The Real Squeal BBQ & Music
Thank you sir and it is. Everything trimmed and ready except the chicken thighs.Does sound like a beautiful night there!.enjoy it and have fun! Will wait for updates tomorrow.