Had mine delivered today, Problems turning on ? Does yours come on as soon as you push the ON button. Mine came on after a minute,shut it down and it took longer to come on.Thanks for any reply
That is what I figured Thank YouShould come on right away.
Okay so you should have to repair it right out of the box,no visible sign of corrosion new batteries.Same resultsRemove the batteries... clean the terminals with a pencil eraser... clean the terminals in the scale also... same deal.. Dave
Okay so you should have to repair it right out of the box,no visible sign of corrosion new batteries.Same resultsRemove the batteries... clean the terminals with a pencil eraser... clean the terminals in the scale also... same deal.. Dave
Thank you
Amazon is sending a new one,should be here tomorrow.Wish me better luck this time.Not a repair really.... it probably sat in China for a month... then on the waterfront for a week or so, then in a container ship for a couple weeks.... Then the waterfront on Los Angeles.... on a truck to some warehouse.... and you finally got it.... Stuff does happen.... I was just thinking there could have been some corrosion.... Just a S.W.A.G..... Sorry if it was inconvenient..