Yet Another Double Smoked Ham

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Legendary Pitmaster
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Aug 1, 2018
North Texas, Texoma
I quite buying spiral hams until this came along. Thanks Bear. Used mix of hickory pellets and chips in tube into the mailbox. Kept the glaze low carb and was quite good.

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That bacon was off the charts good. Did not last long.


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I just picked up a spiral sliced smoked ham for New Years Day. I may just have to double smoke it. Looks great
Looks bomb Brian. I love double smoked ham big time. Nice work bud
I was torn between your version and Bears. I loved yours but have not tried Bear's so went with it. I may have to add that bacon thing to some other cooks now. Been using the MES40 little bit lately. Normally just finish my cooks with it but been having some fun smoking with it.
Darn good looking ham. Almost makes me want to get another one (just did one for christmas). That bacon looks awesome.
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