alright so I am going to attempt the first whole hog for xmas this year along with a whole prime rib roast. Competed and won multiple awards in every category but never attempted a hog so hopefully not a failure on XMAS day. My question is for those of you that have done them how long do they take? I am doing it on a GMG Jim Bowie that is 32"X 20". I have a 90lb pig coming with the head off from GA. Guy said that would be round the 34" range. I will trim legs back to the bottom of the hams and shoulders. I will inject with my normal pork injection. Lay Bacon over Hams and loins to slow down cooking. When I was at myron's cook school we loosely wrapped the hog in foil until the last hour. What are your thoughts on this for smaller pig? Should I plan on starting Christmas Eve? Thanks for the help and hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving