Where to get smoking wood?

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Original poster
Mar 12, 2021
Hey MD folks. I’ve been scouring the internets for a local (DMV area~ish) place to buy cooking wood and I’m at a loss.

anyone have a favorite source? I’m looking for Pecan if I can get it.
While you look for a local source see if any of your hardware stores carry B&B wood splits Ace Hardware in my areas does at $19 a bag for 1.5 cubic feet.
Check firewood on craigslist or do a google search in your area for firewood guys. If they have wood after the winter they want to move it.

here is one posting I saw
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You could go hunting for downed trees in a forest or orchard close to home. On the commercial side, here are two good sources.
Post an add on your local Facebook Buy and Sell site. Check out local arborist, those guys are always pruning or cutting down trees. Your local municipal government or your power company may be cutting trees that would be suitable for smoking.
Too bad your not around here. Neighboring farmer dropped probably 20 trees less than 200 yards from my yard. Cherry, oak, hickory and some non-typical cooking types (sassafras, sycamore). Free for the taking if you cut and split it.

But I don’t have a stick burner!!! Now have enough fire pit wood for 3 years. Helped the neighbor get all the cherry for his fireplace.
I use whatever I can come by. I will pickup logs from recently downed trees and then take home to split with my axe. I have oak, ash, maple, pecan, Bradford pear, and some hickory. Hickory is what I like most but its hard to come by at times although Home Depot and Walmart both sell mini logs.
Check your local craigslist. There are at least two guys outside Frederick who sell smoking wood last time I looked. I bought a bin of Pecan about a month ago.
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