I'm here in WA state, too. I tend to try to avoid farm raised salmon.
I really like Steelhead, too, which is a trout but it looks and tastes like salmon and is half the price.
I like them all to finish a bit on the moist side. I have tried them with and without the water tray and I like it WITH the water better.
I make a cure using 1 cup kosher salt, 2 cups brown sugar, 2 tsp garlic powder, 2 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp lemon pepper, and 1 tbsp dill weed.
cover the bottom of a cookie sheet or shallow baking pan with a thin layer of cure. Wash the fish in cold water and pat dry. place them skin side down and then cover them with the rest of the cure. Let them sit for 4 - 6 hours before taking them out of the cure and smoking them. The cure will suck a bunch of the liquid out and that's normal.
I like to quickly re-rinse them and pat dry again after taking them out of the cure to get a little more of the salt off. Then I'll sprinkle them with lemon pepper, dill weed, a little garlic powder and onion powder. If I have a lemon, I'll squirt a little lemon juice and scrape up a bit of lemon zest on them too.
Into my MES at 220 for an hour and a half (cherry or pecan wood) and it's perfect.
Here's a thread showing my first try at this. I've done it a dozen or so times since and love it.