hey y'all
sorry if this is not the right spot for this. thanks for all you help and guidance up to now. I've been getting by with a vertical dynaglow stick charcoal smoker for 3 years.
I hve it dialed in ,but wanted/needed some more real estate. after much guidance I've settled on an OKJoe reverse flow highland. wasn't my first choice but it was my billfolds choice. if y'all could indulge me a couple of"brand" questions I sure would appreciate it.
It's going to drive me nut waiting for it to get here. I'd like to order some of my extrasb3fore it arrives.
first: what is the best lid gasket brand as far as adhesion and longevity? I've read and watch many reviews and they don't all seem as good. (I'll get the RTV sealant for cracks locally. I've read some pretty lackluster reviews on the gasket the OKjoes sells as their brand.
Second: do all or most lid thermometers have the same screw threads so i can add a second one? I'll only use them for approximates as I will add a grommet port for my multitude of thermopro thermometers cables for meat temps.
also any idea how much lenth I'll need for a highland lid and heat boX?
I'm sure there will be more questions. I've become quite accomplished with my old dynapro
pictures attached for attention only
thank you all for your patience
John Wheeler
Ft Lauderdale
sorry if this is not the right spot for this. thanks for all you help and guidance up to now. I've been getting by with a vertical dynaglow stick charcoal smoker for 3 years.
I hve it dialed in ,but wanted/needed some more real estate. after much guidance I've settled on an OKJoe reverse flow highland. wasn't my first choice but it was my billfolds choice. if y'all could indulge me a couple of"brand" questions I sure would appreciate it.
It's going to drive me nut waiting for it to get here. I'd like to order some of my extrasb3fore it arrives.
first: what is the best lid gasket brand as far as adhesion and longevity? I've read and watch many reviews and they don't all seem as good. (I'll get the RTV sealant for cracks locally. I've read some pretty lackluster reviews on the gasket the OKjoes sells as their brand.
Second: do all or most lid thermometers have the same screw threads so i can add a second one? I'll only use them for approximates as I will add a grommet port for my multitude of thermopro thermometers cables for meat temps.
also any idea how much lenth I'll need for a highland lid and heat boX?
I'm sure there will be more questions. I've become quite accomplished with my old dynapro
pictures attached for attention only
thank you all for your patience
John Wheeler
Ft Lauderdale