I too live in California and tri-tip are as common as ground beef. Lots of places, including some great specialty stores, sell pre-marinated and/or pre-seasoned tri-tip. My experience is that even when I purchase from places that have the best meats, or from places that also sell smoked products, the pre-marinated products are absolutely awful and even the pre-seasoned are not great.
The reasons?
1. They sit in the spices too long.
2. No one has rubs that are as good as what you can make yourself.
Since applying a rub takes only a minute, and even marinating is quick, there really isn't much reason to purchase anything other than the bare meat.
However, since you can only get the marinated version of tri-tip, perhaps you should look at this page which provides alternative names for the same cut:
12 Other Names for Tri Tip
Perhaps you really have it, but it is packaged under a different name. If you do manage to find some, I recommend either
Jeff's original rub or Jeff's Texas rub. The recipes for both can be purchased directly from Jeff.