It got so late, I didn't take any pics. You'll just have to use your imagination for your food porn fix. yesteray was another day that nothing wanted cook. I used smaller cuts of meat and they took as long or longer than my last smoke with bigger cuts.
I put the brisket and both butts in about 6:30 am. The brisket didn't make to 165 until 6:00 pm. I foiled it and put it back on and it hit 190 right at 7:00 pm. This one was 1# less than my last and took an hour longer.
I finally pulled the butts about 8:00 pm. One was at 180 and one was at 160. I foiled them and stuck them in the oven at 250. One hit 200 at 10:00 pm and the other at 11:00 pm. I didn't get them pulled until after midnight.
Now for the results...The butts were awesome! They literally fell apart were very juicy. Probably my best yet. The brisket was a little drier than my last one, but was falling apart. I had to start slicing it thicker. You couldn't pick up the thinner slices, they would just crumble.
Why does it take me so much longer to cook lately? I even had trouble keeping my temps on my GOSM down yesterday. Usually I can keep it between 225 and 240, but yesterday it wanted to stay between 240 and 250. I had to turn the burner all the way to low and close off the dampers just to kkep it below 250. I have checked my Maverick probe and is reading right. I guess I'm going to have to start pulling all nighters. I used to could smoke a 6# butt in about 12 hours, now they are taking 16. I'm getting good results, but sure can't plan on having company for dinner anymore.