It's been a little slow around the site today so I thought I'd post a recent sausage stuff.
I started with Rytek's recipe and another I found on the net and came up with my own:
5# butt
1 cup chopped fresh Parsley
2 tsp salt substitute ("NoSalt" brand)
5 garlic cloves-minced
1 tbsp course black pepper
4 tbsp Fennel seed
4 tbsp Paprika
2 tsp Anise seed
1/2 tbsp brown sugar
1/2 tbsp Onion Powder
2 tsp Basil
1 cup red cooking wine
1 tsp #1 cure
Started with an 11# boneless butt from GFS. Thought I'd get 2- 5# batches but no. After trimming the nasty fat I got 5# and 4#.
Ground it through a 1/4" plate and again through a 3/16 plate. I like to have it not quite frozen before grinding each time.
Mixed and put in the fridge to co-exist for the night.
Next day: stuffing time! Using 34-35mm pre-tubed from Syracuse Casing. I rinse them the day before and soak in the fridge overnight and rinse again the next morning to soak for an hour or so and rinse again.
I let it "air dry" for a couple of hours before putting it in the fridge for the night.
Next day was packaging time. 18 links plus a midget gave me 6 packages of 3 plus the midget.
I cooked the midget and got the boss's taste test "Seal of Approval" :-)
Not sure why it's considered "sweet" with so little sugar but whatever. The Basil really comes through.
Sorry, no plate pics.
Thanks for looking, and stuff on!
I started with Rytek's recipe and another I found on the net and came up with my own:
5# butt
1 cup chopped fresh Parsley
2 tsp salt substitute ("NoSalt" brand)
5 garlic cloves-minced
1 tbsp course black pepper
4 tbsp Fennel seed
4 tbsp Paprika
2 tsp Anise seed
1/2 tbsp brown sugar
1/2 tbsp Onion Powder
2 tsp Basil
1 cup red cooking wine
1 tsp #1 cure
Started with an 11# boneless butt from GFS. Thought I'd get 2- 5# batches but no. After trimming the nasty fat I got 5# and 4#.
Ground it through a 1/4" plate and again through a 3/16 plate. I like to have it not quite frozen before grinding each time.
Mixed and put in the fridge to co-exist for the night.
Next day: stuffing time! Using 34-35mm pre-tubed from Syracuse Casing. I rinse them the day before and soak in the fridge overnight and rinse again the next morning to soak for an hour or so and rinse again.
I let it "air dry" for a couple of hours before putting it in the fridge for the night.
Next day was packaging time. 18 links plus a midget gave me 6 packages of 3 plus the midget.
I cooked the midget and got the boss's taste test "Seal of Approval" :-)
Not sure why it's considered "sweet" with so little sugar but whatever. The Basil really comes through.
Sorry, no plate pics.
Thanks for looking, and stuff on!