Spices in bulk

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
Apr 29, 2008
Powhatan, Virginia
Where can I buy large quantities of spices and not break the bank?

I would like to make a large amount of my rub and store it so I don't have to make it every time I cook.

thanks in advance for the help!
i ha/********************************************************This Script will be included in all web pages to show an Icon on Mouse over, Clicking the Icon will show a Zoominto Viewer (a Flash made viewer) to Zoom the Image Content********************************************************/var tmppluginServername = "http://www.zoominto.com/software/ieplugin/"; var versionswf="1100";var tmppluginSwfname=tmppluginServername + "imgviewerpremium" + versionswf + ".swf"; var protocol = "http://"; var isInternetExplorer = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1;plugin_run(); function BrowserZoomPlugin() { var ua, s, i; this.isIE = false; this.isNS = false; this.version = null; ua = navigator.userAgent; s = "MSIE"; if ((i = ua.indexOf(s)) >= 0) { this.isIE = true; this.version = parseFloat(ua.substr(i + s.length)); return; } s = "Netscape6/"; if ((i = ua.indexOf(s)) >= 0) { this.isNS = true; this.version = parseFloat(ua.substr(i + s.length)); return; } s = "Gecko"; if ((i = ua.indexOf(s)) >= 0) { this.isNS = true; this.version = 6.1; return; } } var browser = new BrowserZoomPlugin; var dragObj = new Object; dragObj.zIndex = 0; function zoominto_dragStart(event, id) { var el; var x, y; if (id) { dragObj.elNode = document.getElementById(id); } else { if (browser.isIE) { dragObj.elNode = window.event.srcElement; } if (browser.isNS) { dragObj.elNode = event.target; } if (dragObj.elNode.nodeType == 3) { dragObj.elNode = dragObj.elNode.parentNode; } } if (browser.isIE) { x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } if (browser.isNS) { x = event.clientX + window.scrollX; y = event.clientY + window.scrollY; } dragObj.cursorStartX = x; dragObj.cursorStartY = y; dragObj.elStartLeft = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.left, 10); dragObj.elStartTop = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.top, 10); if (isNaN(dragObj.elStartLeft)) { dragObj.elStartLeft = 0; } if (isNaN(dragObj.elStartTop)) { dragObj.elStartTop = 0; } dragObj.elNode.style.zIndex = ++dragObj.zIndex; if (browser.isIE) { document.attachEvent("onmousemove", zoominto_dragGo); document.attachEvent("onmouseup", zoominto_dragStop); window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; } if (browser.isNS) { document.addEventListener("mousemove", zoominto_dragGo, true); document.addEventListener("mouseup", zoominto_dragStop, true); event.preventDefault(); } } function zoominto_dragGo(event) { var x, y; if (browser.isIE) { x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } if (browser.isNS) { x = event.clientX + window.scrollX; y = event.clientY + window.scrollY; } dragObj.elNode.style.left = dragObj.elStartLeft + x - dragObj.cursorStartX + "px"; dragObj.elNode.style.top = dragObj.elStartTop + y - dragObj.cursorStartY + "px"; if (browser.isIE) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; } if (browser.isNS) { event.preventDefault(); } } function zoominto_dragStop(event) { if (browser.isIE) { document.detachEvent("onmousemove", zoominto_dragGo); document.detachEvent("onmouseup", zoominto_dragStop); } if (browser.isNS) { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", zoominto_dragGo, true); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", zoominto_dragStop, true); } } function imgplayerprogress_DoFSCommand(command, args) { var imgplayerprogressObj = isInternetExplorer ? document.all.imgplayerprogress : document.imgplayerprogress; } function zoominto_addElement(divIdName, htmlval) { try { var newdiv = document.createElement("div"); newdiv.setAttribute("id", divIdName); newdiv.setAttribute("title", ""); newdiv.style.position = "absolute"; newdiv.style.display = "none"; newdiv.innerHTML = htmlval;document.body.appendChild(newdiv);; } catch (e) { } } function zoominto_addmyelems(divIdName, htmlval) { try { var newdiv = document.createElement("div"); newdiv.setAttribute("id", divIdName); newdiv.innerHTML = htmlval; document.body.appendChild(newdiv);; } catch (e) {//_L(e); } } function zoominto_initializelements() { zoominto_addElement("plugpanel", "<a href='javascript:zoominto_showflash()'><img class='myplug_img' src='" + tmppluginServername + "ZoomButt.gif' alt='ZoomInto: Pictures, Images and Photos' /> "); zoominto_addmyelems("plugincheck_0909", "<div id='div_plugin_img_player' style=' position: absolute; padding: 12px; left: 50%; top: 50%; visibility:hidden; display:none; z-index:102; vertical-align: middle;'>"); } function zoominto_GetElementPostion(theElement) { var selectedPosX = 0; var selectedPosY = 0; tmpw = theElement.width; tmph = theElement.height; while (theElement != null) { selectedPosX += theElement.offsetLeft; selectedPosY += theElement.offsetTop; theElement = theElement.offsetParent; } var tempelement = new Array(selectedPosX, selectedPosY, tmpw, tmph); return tempelement; } function plugin_showdeadcenterdiv(Xwidth, Yheight, divid) { var scrolledX, scrolledY; if (self.pageYOffset) { scrolledX = self.pageXOffset; scrolledY = self.pageYOffset; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { scrolledX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; scrolledY = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if (document.body) { scrolledX = document.body.scrollLeft; scrolledY = document.body.scrollTop; } var centerX, centerY; if (self.innerHeight) { centerX = self.innerWidth; centerY = self.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { centerX = document.documentElement.clientWidth; centerY = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) { centerX = document.body.clientWidth; centerY = document.body.clientHeight; } var leftOffset = scrolledX + (centerX - Xwidth) / 2; var topOffset = scrolledY + (centerY - Yheight) / 2; var o = document.getElementById(divid); var r = o.style; r.position = "absolute"; r.top = topOffset + "px"; r.left = leftOffset + "px"; r.display = "block"; } function pluginalertShow(layerid) { document.getElementById(layerid).style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById(layerid).style.display = "block"; plugin_showdeadcenterdiv(280, 115, layerid); document.getElementById("plugin_btn_activate").focus(); } function pluginalerthide(layerid) { document.getElementById(layerid).style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById(layerid).style.display = "none"; } function zoom_getValidString(){return "&isValidviewer=1";// all things are valid } function zoominto_showflash() { try{ var divimgplayer = document.getElementById("div_plugin_img_player"); divimgplayer.style.display = "block"; divimgplayer.style.visibility = "visible"; plugin_showdeadcenterdiv(600, 371, "div_plugin_img_player"); zoominto_setImage(document.getElementById("plugpanel").title); } catch (e) { } } function zoominto_closeflash() { var divimgplayer = document.getElementById("div_plugin_img_player"); divimgplayer.style.display = "none"; divimgplayer.style.visibility = "hidden"; }function hidezoomicon(){document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.visibility = "hidden";} function getMouseX( e ) { return e.pageX || ( e.clientX + ( document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft ) ); } function getMouseY( e ) { return e.pageY || ( e.clientY + ( document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop ) ); }function dhtmlLoadScript(url){ var e = document.createElement("script"); e.src = url; e.type="text/javascript";// document.getElementByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(e); document.getElementById("addiv").appendChild(e);}function getactualimgdimensions(imgsrc){zoomintoheavyImage = new Image(); zoomintoheavyImage.src = imgsrc var tempelement = new Array(zoomintoheavyImage.width, zoomintoheavyImage.height); return tempelement;} function plugin_run() { var image = document.getElementsByTagName("img");var totimgLength=image.length; zoominto_initializelements(); for (var i = 0; i < image.length; i++) { if (image.className.match("myplug_img")){ image.onmouseout = function (evt) { document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.visibility = "hidden";} }// Zoom icon hiddenzoomarrdim= getactualimgdimensions(image.src);//arrdim[0] - width arrdim[1] - height if (!image.className.match("myplug_img") && zoomarrdim[0] > 50 && zoomarrdim[1] > 60) { image.onmouseover = function () {imgvals = zoominto_GetElementPostion(this);document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.display = "block";document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.visibility = "visible";document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.left = imgvals[0] + "px";document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.top = imgvals[1] + "px";document.getElementById("plugpanel").title = this.src;}; image.onmouseout = function (evt) { imgvals = zoominto_GetElementPostion(this);strx=imgvals[0];stry=imgvals[1];endx=imgvals[0] +imgvals[2] ;endy=imgvals[1] + imgvals[3];tmpcurx=evt.pageX;tmpcury=evt.pageY;if(tmpcurx > strx && tmpcurx < endx && tmpcury > stry && tmpcury < endy ){l=1 }else{ document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.visibility = "hidden";}}; }// End of Condition Image smallerif(zoomarrdim[0] == 1 && zoomarrdim[1] == 1){// remove Image elementimage.style.display="none";image.style.visibility="hidden";} } } function zoominto_URLEncode(clearString) { var output = ""; var x = 0; clearString = clearString.toString(); var regex = /(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)/; while (x < clearString.length) { var match = regex.exec(clearString.substr(x)); if (match != null && match.length > 1 && match[1] != "") { output += match[1]; x += match[1].length; } else { if (clearString[x] == " ") { output += "+"; } else { var charCode = clearString.charCodeAt(x); var hexVal = charCode.toString(16); output += "%" + (hexVal.length < 2 ? "0" : "") + hexVal.toUpperCase(); } x++; } } return output; } function Closeiepluginpanel() { closeflash(); } function zoominto_setImage(txturl) { zoominto_changeobject(txturl); } function logme(txtstr) {// try { //alert(txtstr);return ""; } function zoominto_changeobject(url) {//Method to Display the Viewer for Image trkval = "?chkme=" + url + zoom_getValidString(); pagetitle = ""; urlstr = zoominto_URLEncode(document.location); document.getElementById("div_plugin_img_player").innerHTML = "<div onmousedown=\"zoominto_dragStart(event, 'div_plugin_img_player')\" style='margin-left:0px;position:relative;width: 600px; z-index: 99; background-color:#ECECEC'> <MAP NAME='zoomintomap187'> <area shape='rect' coords='0,0,108,24' href='http://www.zoominto.com' alt='Zoominto' target='_blank'/> <table width='600' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' style='border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;border-bottom:none' > <tbody><tr> <td><table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'> <tbody><tr bgcolor='ECECEC'> <td background='" + tmppluginServername + "images/bluebacku.jpg' align='right'><table width='598' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'> <tbody><tr> <td><div align='left'><img style='cursor:pointer' USEMAP='#zoomintomap187' height='24' width='108' border='0' src='" + tmppluginServername + "images/zoomintologo2.jpg'/> <td height='24' ><div align='right'><a href='javascript:zoominto_closeflash()'><img height='21' width='21'border='0' src='" + tmppluginServername + "images/close.jpg'/> <!--comment--> <div style='margin-top:-2px;background-color:#FFF'><object classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' codebase='http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0' id='imgplayerprogress' width='600' height='371' align='middle'><param name='movie' value='" + tmppluginSwfname + "" + trkval + "' /><param name='quality' value='high' /><param name='bgcolor' value='#FFFFFF' /><embed src='" + tmppluginSwfname + "" + trkval + "' quality='high' bgcolor='#FFFFFF' width='600' height='371' swLiveConnect=true id='imgplayerprogress' name='imgplayerprogress' align='middle' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><div style='margin-top:-2px;background-color:#FFFFFF'><table width='600' style='border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;border-bottom:none'> <tbody><tr> <td bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><div align='center'> <table width='468' height='60' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'> <tbody><tr> <td bgcolor='#ffffff'> <iframe width=\"468\" height=\"60\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" vspace=\"0\" src=\"http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/...26426&w=468&lmt=1262504125&flash=10.0.32&url="+ document.location +"&correlator=1262504139215&frm=0&ga_vid=399649227.1262504140&ga_sid=1262504140&ga_hid=1178717796&ga_fc=0&u_tz=330&u_his=1&u_java=0&u_h=900&u_w=1600&u_ah=840&u_aw=1600&u_cd=32&u_nplug=8&u_nmime=9&dff=Verdana&dfs=16&biw=1600&bih=723&fu=0&ifi=1&dtd=759&xpc=h2YXWEfMlk&p="+window.location.protocol+"//\" name=\"google_ads_frame\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" id=\"google_ads_frame1\" hspace=\"0\" allowtransparency=\"true\"/> \n"; }

i have a buddy that is a distric manager for Cash-Wa distribution.. i've been wanting to ask him if he has any items like that for sale.
/********************************************************This Script will be included in all web pages to show an Icon on Mouse over, Clicking the Icon will show a Zoominto Viewer (a Flash made viewer) to Zoom the Image Content********************************************************/var tmppluginServername = "http://www.zoominto.com/software/ieplugin/"; var versionswf="1100";var tmppluginSwfname=tmppluginServername + "imgviewerpremium" + versionswf + ".swf"; var protocol = "http://"; var isInternetExplorer = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1;plugin_run(); function BrowserZoomPlugin() { var ua, s, i; this.isIE = false; this.isNS = false; this.version = null; ua = navigator.userAgent; s = "MSIE"; if ((i = ua.indexOf(s)) >= 0) { this.isIE = true; this.version = parseFloat(ua.substr(i + s.length)); return; } s = "Netscape6/"; if ((i = ua.indexOf(s)) >= 0) { this.isNS = true; this.version = parseFloat(ua.substr(i + s.length)); return; } s = "Gecko"; if ((i = ua.indexOf(s)) >= 0) { this.isNS = true; this.version = 6.1; return; } } var browser = new BrowserZoomPlugin; var dragObj = new Object; dragObj.zIndex = 0; function zoominto_dragStart(event, id) { var el; var x, y; if (id) { dragObj.elNode = document.getElementById(id); } else { if (browser.isIE) { dragObj.elNode = window.event.srcElement; } if (browser.isNS) { dragObj.elNode = event.target; } if (dragObj.elNode.nodeType == 3) { dragObj.elNode = dragObj.elNode.parentNode; } } if (browser.isIE) { x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } if (browser.isNS) { x = event.clientX + window.scrollX; y = event.clientY + window.scrollY; } dragObj.cursorStartX = x; dragObj.cursorStartY = y; dragObj.elStartLeft = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.left, 10); dragObj.elStartTop = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.top, 10); if (isNaN(dragObj.elStartLeft)) { dragObj.elStartLeft = 0; } if (isNaN(dragObj.elStartTop)) { dragObj.elStartTop = 0; } dragObj.elNode.style.zIndex = ++dragObj.zIndex; if (browser.isIE) { document.attachEvent("onmousemove", zoominto_dragGo); document.attachEvent("onmouseup", zoominto_dragStop); window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; } if (browser.isNS) { document.addEventListener("mousemove", zoominto_dragGo, true); document.addEventListener("mouseup", zoominto_dragStop, true); event.preventDefault(); } } function zoominto_dragGo(event) { var x, y; if (browser.isIE) { x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } if (browser.isNS) { x = event.clientX + window.scrollX; y = event.clientY + window.scrollY; } dragObj.elNode.style.left = dragObj.elStartLeft + x - dragObj.cursorStartX + "px"; dragObj.elNode.style.top = dragObj.elStartTop + y - dragObj.cursorStartY + "px"; if (browser.isIE) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; } if (browser.isNS) { event.preventDefault(); } } function zoominto_dragStop(event) { if (browser.isIE) { document.detachEvent("onmousemove", zoominto_dragGo); document.detachEvent("onmouseup", zoominto_dragStop); } if (browser.isNS) { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", zoominto_dragGo, true); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", zoominto_dragStop, true); } } function imgplayerprogress_DoFSCommand(command, args) { var imgplayerprogressObj = isInternetExplorer ? document.all.imgplayerprogress : document.imgplayerprogress; } function zoominto_addElement(divIdName, htmlval) { try { var newdiv = document.createElement("div"); newdiv.setAttribute("id", divIdName); newdiv.setAttribute("title", ""); newdiv.style.position = "absolute"; newdiv.style.display = "none"; newdiv.innerHTML = htmlval;document.body.appendChild(newdiv);; } catch (e) { } } function zoominto_addmyelems(divIdName, htmlval) { try { var newdiv = document.createElement("div"); newdiv.setAttribute("id", divIdName); newdiv.innerHTML = htmlval; document.body.appendChild(newdiv);; } catch (e) {//_L(e); } } function zoominto_initializelements() { zoominto_addElement("plugpanel", "<a href='javascript:zoominto_showflash()'><img class='myplug_img' src='" + tmppluginServername + "ZoomButt.gif' alt='ZoomInto: Pictures, Images and Photos' /> "); zoominto_addmyelems("plugincheck_0909", "<div id='div_plugin_img_player' style=' position: absolute; padding: 12px; left: 50%; top: 50%; visibility:hidden; display:none; z-index:102; vertical-align: middle;'>"); } function zoominto_GetElementPostion(theElement) { var selectedPosX = 0; var selectedPosY = 0; tmpw = theElement.width; tmph = theElement.height; while (theElement != null) { selectedPosX += theElement.offsetLeft; selectedPosY += theElement.offsetTop; theElement = theElement.offsetParent; } var tempelement = new Array(selectedPosX, selectedPosY, tmpw, tmph); return tempelement; } function plugin_showdeadcenterdiv(Xwidth, Yheight, divid) { var scrolledX, scrolledY; if (self.pageYOffset) { scrolledX = self.pageXOffset; scrolledY = self.pageYOffset; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { scrolledX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; scrolledY = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if (document.body) { scrolledX = document.body.scrollLeft; scrolledY = document.body.scrollTop; } var centerX, centerY; if (self.innerHeight) { centerX = self.innerWidth; centerY = self.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { centerX = document.documentElement.clientWidth; centerY = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) { centerX = document.body.clientWidth; centerY = document.body.clientHeight; } var leftOffset = scrolledX + (centerX - Xwidth) / 2; var topOffset = scrolledY + (centerY - Yheight) / 2; var o = document.getElementById(divid); var r = o.style; r.position = "absolute"; r.top = topOffset + "px"; r.left = leftOffset + "px"; r.display = "block"; } function pluginalertShow(layerid) { document.getElementById(layerid).style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById(layerid).style.display = "block"; plugin_showdeadcenterdiv(280, 115, layerid); document.getElementById("plugin_btn_activate").focus(); } function pluginalerthide(layerid) { document.getElementById(layerid).style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById(layerid).style.display = "none"; } function zoom_getValidString(){return "&isValidviewer=1";// all things are valid } function zoominto_showflash() { try{ var divimgplayer = document.getElementById("div_plugin_img_player"); divimgplayer.style.display = "block"; divimgplayer.style.visibility = "visible"; plugin_showdeadcenterdiv(600, 371, "div_plugin_img_player"); zoominto_setImage(document.getElementById("plugpanel").title); } catch (e) { } } function zoominto_closeflash() { var divimgplayer = document.getElementById("div_plugin_img_player"); divimgplayer.style.display = "none"; divimgplayer.style.visibility = "hidden"; }function hidezoomicon(){document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.visibility = "hidden";} function getMouseX( e ) { return e.pageX || ( e.clientX + ( document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft ) ); } function getMouseY( e ) { return e.pageY || ( e.clientY + ( document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop ) ); }function dhtmlLoadScript(url){ var e = document.createElement("script"); e.src = url; e.type="text/javascript";// document.getElementByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(e); document.getElementById("addiv").appendChild(e);}function getactualimgdimensions(imgsrc){zoomintoheavyImage = new Image(); zoomintoheavyImage.src = imgsrc var tempelement = new Array(zoomintoheavyImage.width, zoomintoheavyImage.height); return tempelement;} function plugin_run() { var image = document.getElementsByTagName("img");var totimgLength=image.length; zoominto_initializelements(); for (var i = 0; i < image.length; i++) { if (image.className.match("myplug_img")){ image.onmouseout = function (evt) { document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.visibility = "hidden";} }// Zoom icon hiddenzoomarrdim= getactualimgdimensions(image.src);//arrdim[0] - width arrdim[1] - height if (!image.className.match("myplug_img") && zoomarrdim[0] > 50 && zoomarrdim[1] > 60) { image.onmouseover = function () {imgvals = zoominto_GetElementPostion(this);document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.display = "block";document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.visibility = "visible";document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.left = imgvals[0] + "px";document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.top = imgvals[1] + "px";document.getElementById("plugpanel").title = this.src;}; image.onmouseout = function (evt) { imgvals = zoominto_GetElementPostion(this);strx=imgvals[0];stry=imgvals[1];endx=imgvals[0] +imgvals[2] ;endy=imgvals[1] + imgvals[3];tmpcurx=evt.pageX;tmpcury=evt.pageY;if(tmpcurx > strx && tmpcurx < endx && tmpcury > stry && tmpcury < endy ){l=1 }else{ document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.visibility = "hidden";}}; }// End of Condition Image smallerif(zoomarrdim[0] == 1 && zoomarrdim[1] == 1){// remove Image elementimage.style.display="none";image.style.visibility="hidden";} } } function zoominto_URLEncode(clearString) { var output = ""; var x = 0; clearString = clearString.toString(); var regex = /(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)/; while (x < clearString.length) { var match = regex.exec(clearString.substr(x)); if (match != null && match.length > 1 && match[1] != "") { output += match[1]; x += match[1].length; } else { if (clearString[x] == " ") { output += "+"; } else { var charCode = clearString.charCodeAt(x); var hexVal = charCode.toString(16); output += "%" + (hexVal.length < 2 ? "0" : "") + hexVal.toUpperCase(); } x++; } } return output; } function Closeiepluginpanel() { closeflash(); } function zoominto_setImage(txturl) { zoominto_changeobject(txturl); } function logme(txtstr) {// try { //alert(txtstr);return ""; } function zoominto_changeobject(url) {//Method to Display the Viewer for Image trkval = "?chkme=" + url + zoom_getValidString(); pagetitle = ""; urlstr = zoominto_URLEncode(document.location); document.getElementById("div_plugin_img_player").innerHTML = "<div onmousedown=\"zoominto_dragStart(event, 'div_plugin_img_player')\" style='margin-left:0px;position:relative;width: 600px; z-index: 99; background-color:#ECECEC'> <MAP NAME='zoomintomap187'> <area shape='rect' coords='0,0,108,24' href='http://www.zoominto.com' alt='Zoominto' target='_blank'/> <table width='600' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' style='border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;border-bottom:none' > <tbody><tr> <td><table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'> <tbody><tr bgcolor='ECECEC'> <td background='" + tmppluginServername + "images/bluebacku.jpg' align='right'><table width='598' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'> <tbody><tr> <td><div align='left'><img style='cursor:pointer' USEMAP='#zoomintomap187' height='24' width='108' border='0' src='" + tmppluginServername + "images/zoomintologo2.jpg'/> <td height='24' ><div align='right'><a href='javascript:zoominto_closeflash()'><img height='21' width='21'border='0' src='" + tmppluginServername + "images/close.jpg'/> <!--comment--> <div style='margin-top:-2px;background-color:#FFF'><object classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' codebase='http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0' id='imgplayerprogress' width='600' height='371' align='middle'><param name='movie' value='" + tmppluginSwfname + "" + trkval + "' /><param name='quality' value='high' /><param name='bgcolor' value='#FFFFFF' /><embed src='" + tmppluginSwfname + "" + trkval + "' quality='high' bgcolor='#FFFFFF' width='600' height='371' swLiveConnect=true id='imgplayerprogress' name='imgplayerprogress' align='middle' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><div style='margin-top:-2px;background-color:#FFFFFF'><table width='600' style='border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;border-bottom:none'> <tbody><tr> <td bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><div align='center'> <table width='468' height='60' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'> <tbody><tr> <td bgcolor='#ffffff'> <iframe width=\"468\" height=\"60\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" vspace=\"0\" src=\"http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/...26426&w=468&lmt=1262504125&flash=10.0.32&url="+ document.location +"&correlator=1262504139215&frm=0&ga_vid=399649227.1262504140&ga_sid=1262504140&ga_hid=1178717796&ga_fc=0&u_tz=330&u_his=1&u_java=0&u_h=900&u_w=1600&u_ah=840&u_aw=1600&u_cd=32&u_nplug=8&u_nmime=9&dff=Verdana&dfs=16&biw=1600&bih=723&fu=0&ifi=1&dtd=759&xpc=h2YXWEfMlk&p="+window.location.protocol+"//\" name=\"google_ads_frame\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" id=\"google_ads_frame1\" hspace=\"0\" allowtransparency=\"true\"/> \n"; }

/********************************************************This Script will be included in all web pages to show an Icon on Mouse over, Clicking the Icon will show a Zoominto Viewer (a Flash made viewer) to Zoom the Image Content********************************************************/var tmppluginServername = "http://www.zoominto.com/software/ieplugin/"; var versionswf="1100";var tmppluginSwfname=tmppluginServername + "imgviewerpremium" + versionswf + ".swf"; var protocol = "http://"; var isInternetExplorer = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1;plugin_run(); function BrowserZoomPlugin() { var ua, s, i; this.isIE = false; this.isNS = false; this.version = null; ua = navigator.userAgent; s = "MSIE"; if ((i = ua.indexOf(s)) >= 0) { this.isIE = true; this.version = parseFloat(ua.substr(i + s.length)); return; } s = "Netscape6/"; if ((i = ua.indexOf(s)) >= 0) { this.isNS = true; this.version = parseFloat(ua.substr(i + s.length)); return; } s = "Gecko"; if ((i = ua.indexOf(s)) >= 0) { this.isNS = true; this.version = 6.1; return; } } var browser = new BrowserZoomPlugin; var dragObj = new Object; dragObj.zIndex = 0; function zoominto_dragStart(event, id) { var el; var x, y; if (id) { dragObj.elNode = document.getElementById(id); } else { if (browser.isIE) { dragObj.elNode = window.event.srcElement; } if (browser.isNS) { dragObj.elNode = event.target; } if (dragObj.elNode.nodeType == 3) { dragObj.elNode = dragObj.elNode.parentNode; } } if (browser.isIE) { x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } if (browser.isNS) { x = event.clientX + window.scrollX; y = event.clientY + window.scrollY; } dragObj.cursorStartX = x; dragObj.cursorStartY = y; dragObj.elStartLeft = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.left, 10); dragObj.elStartTop = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.top, 10); if (isNaN(dragObj.elStartLeft)) { dragObj.elStartLeft = 0; } if (isNaN(dragObj.elStartTop)) { dragObj.elStartTop = 0; } dragObj.elNode.style.zIndex = ++dragObj.zIndex; if (browser.isIE) { document.attachEvent("onmousemove", zoominto_dragGo); document.attachEvent("onmouseup", zoominto_dragStop); window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; } if (browser.isNS) { document.addEventListener("mousemove", zoominto_dragGo, true); document.addEventListener("mouseup", zoominto_dragStop, true); event.preventDefault(); } } function zoominto_dragGo(event) { var x, y; if (browser.isIE) { x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } if (browser.isNS) { x = event.clientX + window.scrollX; y = event.clientY + window.scrollY; } dragObj.elNode.style.left = dragObj.elStartLeft + x - dragObj.cursorStartX + "px"; dragObj.elNode.style.top = dragObj.elStartTop + y - dragObj.cursorStartY + "px"; if (browser.isIE) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; } if (browser.isNS) { event.preventDefault(); } } function zoominto_dragStop(event) { if (browser.isIE) { document.detachEvent("onmousemove", zoominto_dragGo); document.detachEvent("onmouseup", zoominto_dragStop); } if (browser.isNS) { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", zoominto_dragGo, true); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", zoominto_dragStop, true); } } function imgplayerprogress_DoFSCommand(command, args) { var imgplayerprogressObj = isInternetExplorer ? document.all.imgplayerprogress : document.imgplayerprogress; } function zoominto_addElement(divIdName, htmlval) { try { var newdiv = document.createElement("div"); newdiv.setAttribute("id", divIdName); newdiv.setAttribute("title", ""); newdiv.style.position = "absolute"; newdiv.style.display = "none"; newdiv.innerHTML = htmlval;document.body.appendChild(newdiv);; } catch (e) { } } function zoominto_addmyelems(divIdName, htmlval) { try { var newdiv = document.createElement("div"); newdiv.setAttribute("id", divIdName); newdiv.innerHTML = htmlval; document.body.appendChild(newdiv);; } catch (e) {//_L(e); } } function zoominto_initializelements() { zoominto_addElement("plugpanel", "<a href='javascript:zoominto_showflash()'><img class='myplug_img' src='" + tmppluginServername + "ZoomButt.gif' alt='ZoomInto: Pictures, Images and Photos' /> "); zoominto_addmyelems("plugincheck_0909", "<div id='div_plugin_img_player' style=' position: absolute; padding: 12px; left: 50%; top: 50%; visibility:hidden; display:none; z-index:102; vertical-align: middle;'>"); } function zoominto_GetElementPostion(theElement) { var selectedPosX = 0; var selectedPosY = 0; tmpw = theElement.width; tmph = theElement.height; while (theElement != null) { selectedPosX += theElement.offsetLeft; selectedPosY += theElement.offsetTop; theElement = theElement.offsetParent; } var tempelement = new Array(selectedPosX, selectedPosY, tmpw, tmph); return tempelement; } function plugin_showdeadcenterdiv(Xwidth, Yheight, divid) { var scrolledX, scrolledY; if (self.pageYOffset) { scrolledX = self.pageXOffset; scrolledY = self.pageYOffset; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { scrolledX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; scrolledY = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if (document.body) { scrolledX = document.body.scrollLeft; scrolledY = document.body.scrollTop; } var centerX, centerY; if (self.innerHeight) { centerX = self.innerWidth; centerY = self.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { centerX = document.documentElement.clientWidth; centerY = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) { centerX = document.body.clientWidth; centerY = document.body.clientHeight; } var leftOffset = scrolledX + (centerX - Xwidth) / 2; var topOffset = scrolledY + (centerY - Yheight) / 2; var o = document.getElementById(divid); var r = o.style; r.position = "absolute"; r.top = topOffset + "px"; r.left = leftOffset + "px"; r.display = "block"; } function pluginalertShow(layerid) { document.getElementById(layerid).style.visibility = "visible"; document.getElementById(layerid).style.display = "block"; plugin_showdeadcenterdiv(280, 115, layerid); document.getElementById("plugin_btn_activate").focus(); } function pluginalerthide(layerid) { document.getElementById(layerid).style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById(layerid).style.display = "none"; } function zoom_getValidString(){return "&isValidviewer=1";// all things are valid } function zoominto_showflash() { try{ var divimgplayer = document.getElementById("div_plugin_img_player"); divimgplayer.style.display = "block"; divimgplayer.style.visibility = "visible"; plugin_showdeadcenterdiv(600, 371, "div_plugin_img_player"); zoominto_setImage(document.getElementById("plugpanel").title); } catch (e) { } } function zoominto_closeflash() { var divimgplayer = document.getElementById("div_plugin_img_player"); divimgplayer.style.display = "none"; divimgplayer.style.visibility = "hidden"; }function hidezoomicon(){document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.visibility = "hidden";} function getMouseX( e ) { return e.pageX || ( e.clientX + ( document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft ) ); } function getMouseY( e ) { return e.pageY || ( e.clientY + ( document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop ) ); }function dhtmlLoadScript(url){ var e = document.createElement("script"); e.src = url; e.type="text/javascript";// document.getElementByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(e); document.getElementById("addiv").appendChild(e);}function getactualimgdimensions(imgsrc){zoomintoheavyImage = new Image(); zoomintoheavyImage.src = imgsrc var tempelement = new Array(zoomintoheavyImage.width, zoomintoheavyImage.height); return tempelement;} function plugin_run() { var image = document.getElementsByTagName("img");var totimgLength=image.length; zoominto_initializelements(); for (var i = 0; i < image.length; i++) { if (image.className.match("myplug_img")){ image.onmouseout = function (evt) { document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.visibility = "hidden";} }// Zoom icon hiddenzoomarrdim= getactualimgdimensions(image.src);//arrdim[0] - width arrdim[1] - height if (!image.className.match("myplug_img") && zoomarrdim[0] > 50 && zoomarrdim[1] > 60) { image.onmouseover = function () {imgvals = zoominto_GetElementPostion(this);document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.display = "block";document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.visibility = "visible";document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.left = imgvals[0] + "px";document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.top = imgvals[1] + "px";document.getElementById("plugpanel").title = this.src;}; image.onmouseout = function (evt) { imgvals = zoominto_GetElementPostion(this);strx=imgvals[0];stry=imgvals[1];endx=imgvals[0] +imgvals[2] ;endy=imgvals[1] + imgvals[3];tmpcurx=evt.pageX;tmpcury=evt.pageY;if(tmpcurx > strx && tmpcurx < endx && tmpcury > stry && tmpcury < endy ){l=1 }else{ document.getElementById("plugpanel").style.visibility = "hidden";}}; }// End of Condition Image smallerif(zoomarrdim[0] == 1 && zoomarrdim[1] == 1){// remove Image elementimage.style.display="none";image.style.visibility="hidden";} } } function zoominto_URLEncode(clearString) { var output = ""; var x = 0; clearString = clearString.toString(); var regex = /(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)/; while (x < clearString.length) { var match = regex.exec(clearString.substr(x)); if (match != null && match.length > 1 && match[1] != "") { output += match[1]; x += match[1].length; } else { if (clearString[x] == " ") { output += "+"; } else { var charCode = clearString.charCodeAt(x); var hexVal = charCode.toString(16); output += "%" + (hexVal.length < 2 ? "0" : "") + hexVal.toUpperCase(); } x++; } } return output; } function Closeiepluginpanel() { closeflash(); } function zoominto_setImage(txturl) { zoominto_changeobject(txturl); } function logme(txtstr) {// try { //alert(txtstr);return ""; } function zoominto_changeobject(url) {//Method to Display the Viewer for Image trkval = "?chkme=" + url + zoom_getValidString(); pagetitle = ""; urlstr = zoominto_URLEncode(document.location); document.getElementById("div_plugin_img_player").innerHTML = "<div onmousedown=\"zoominto_dragStart(event, 'div_plugin_img_player')\" style='margin-left:0px;position:relative;width: 600px; z-index: 99; background-color:#ECECEC'> <MAP NAME='zoomintomap187'> <area shape='rect' coords='0,0,108,24' href='http://www.zoominto.com' alt='Zoominto' target='_blank'/> <table width='600' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' style='border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;border-bottom:none' > <tbody><tr> <td><table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'> <tbody><tr bgcolor='ECECEC'> <td background='" + tmppluginServername + "images/bluebacku.jpg' align='right'><table width='598' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'> <tbody><tr> <td><div align='left'><img style='cursor:pointer' USEMAP='#zoomintomap187' height='24' width='108' border='0' src='" + tmppluginServername + "images/zoomintologo2.jpg'/> <td height='24' ><div align='right'><a href='javascript:zoominto_closeflash()'><img height='21' width='21'border='0' src='" + tmppluginServername + "images/close.jpg'/> <!--comment--> <div style='margin-top:-2px;background-color:#FFF'><object classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' codebase='http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0' id='imgplayerprogress' width='600' height='371' align='middle'><param name='movie' value='" + tmppluginSwfname + "" + trkval + "' /><param name='quality' value='high' /><param name='bgcolor' value='#FFFFFF' /><embed src='" + tmppluginSwfname + "" + trkval + "' quality='high' bgcolor='#FFFFFF' width='600' height='371' swLiveConnect=true id='imgplayerprogress' name='imgplayerprogress' align='middle' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /><div style='margin-top:-2px;background-color:#FFFFFF'><table width='600' style='border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;border-bottom:none'> <tbody><tr> <td bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><div align='center'> <table width='468' height='60' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'> <tbody><tr> <td bgcolor='#ffffff'> <iframe width=\"468\" height=\"60\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" vspace=\"0\" src=\"http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/...26426&w=468&lmt=1262504125&flash=10.0.32&url="+ document.location +"&correlator=1262504139215&frm=0&ga_vid=399649227.1262504140&ga_sid=1262504140&ga_hid=1178717796&ga_fc=0&u_tz=330&u_his=1&u_java=0&u_h=900&u_w=1600&u_ah=840&u_aw=1600&u_cd=32&u_nplug=8&u_nmime=9&dff=Verdana&dfs=16&biw=1600&bih=723&fu=0&ifi=1&dtd=759&xpc=h2YXWEfMlk&p="+window.location.protocol+"//\" name=\"google_ads_frame\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" id=\"google_ads_frame1\" hspace=\"0\" allowtransparency=\"true\"/> \n"; }

/********************************************************This Script will be included in all web pages to show an Icon on Mouse over, Clicking the Icon will show a Zoominto Viewer (a Flash made viewer) to Zoom the Image Content********************************************************/var tmppluginServername = "http://www.zoominto.com/software/ieplugin/"; var versionswf="1100";var tmppluginSwfname=tmppluginServername + "imgviewerpremium" + versionswf + ".swf"; var protocol = "http://"; var isInternetExplorer = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1;plugin_run(); function BrowserZoomPlugin() { var ua, s, i; this.isIE = false; this.isNS = false; this.version = null; ua = navigator.userAgent; s = "MSIE"; if ((i = ua.indexOf(s)) >= 0) { this.isIE = true; this.version = parseFloat(ua.substr(i + s.length)); return; } s = "Netscape6/"; if ((i = ua.indexOf(s)) >= 0) { this.isNS = true; this.version = parseFloat(ua.substr(i + s.length)); return; } s = "Gecko"; if ((i = ua.indexOf(s)) >= 0) { this.isNS = true; this.version = 6.1; return; } } var browser = new BrowserZoomPlugin; var dragObj = new Object; dragObj.zIndex = 0; function zoominto_dragStart(event, id) { var el; var x, y; if (id) { dragObj.elNode = document.getElementById(id); } else { if (browser.isIE) { dragObj.elNode = window.event.srcElement; } if (browser.isNS) { dragObj.elNode = event.target; } if (dragObj.elNode.nodeType == 3) { dragObj.elNode = dragObj.elNode.parentNode; } } if (browser.isIE) { x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } if (browser.isNS) { x = event.clientX + window.scrollX; y = event.clientY + window.scrollY; } dragObj.cursorStartX = x; dragObj.cursorStartY = y; dragObj.elStartLeft = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.left, 10); dragObj.elStartTop = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.top, 10); if (isNaN(dragObj.elStartLeft)) { dragObj.elStartLeft = 0; } if (isNaN(dragObj.elStartTop)) { dragObj.elStartTop = 0; } dragObj.elNode.style.zIndex = ++dragObj.zIndex; if (browser.isIE) { document.attachEvent("onmousemove", zoominto_dragGo); document.attachEvent("onmouseup", zoominto_dragStop); window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; } if (browser.isNS) { document.addEventListener("mousemove", zoominto_dragGo, true); document.addEventListener("mouseup", zoominto_dragStop, true); event.preventDefault(); } } function zoominto_dragGo(event) { var x, y; if (browser.isIE) { x = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; y = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } if (browser.isNS) { x = event.clientX + window.scrollX; y = event.clientY + window.scrollY; } dragObj.elNode.style.left = dragObj.elStartLeft + x - dragObj.cursorStartX + "px"; dragObj.elNode.style.top = dragObj.elStartTop + y - dragObj.cursorStartY + "px"; if (browser.isIE) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; } if (browser.isNS) { event.preventDefault(); } } function zoominto_dragStop(event) { if (browser.isIE) { document.detachEvent("onmousemove", zoominto_dragGo); document.detachEvent("onmouseup", zoominto_dragStop); } if (browser.isNS) { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", zoominto_dragGo, true); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", zoominto_dragStop, true); } } function imgplayerprogress_DoFSCommand(command, args) { var imgplayerprogressObj = isInternetExplorer ? document.all.imgplayerprogress : document.imgplayerprogress; } function zoominto_addElement(divIdName, htmlval) { try { var newdiv = document.createElement("div"); newdiv.setAttribute("id", divIdName); newdiv.setAttribute("title", ""); newdiv.style.position = "absolute"; newdiv.style.display = "none"; newdiv.innerHTML = htmlval;document.body.appendChild(newdiv);; } catch (e) { } } function zoominto_addmyelems(divIdName, htmlval) { try { var newdiv = document.createElement("div"); newdiv.setAttribute("id", divIdName); newdiv.innerHTML = htmlval; document.body.appendChild(newdiv);; } catch (e) {//_L(e); } } function zoominto_initializelements() { zoominto_addElement("plugpanel", "<a href='javascript:zoominto_showflash()'><img class='myplug_img' src='" + tmppluginServername + "ZoomButt.gif' alt='ZoomInto: Pictures, Images and Photos' /> "); zoominto_addmyelems("plugincheck_0909", "<div id='div_plugin_img_player' style=' position: absolute; padding: 12px; left: 50%; top: 50%; visibility:hidden; display:none; z-index:102; vertical-align: middle;'>"); } function zoominto_GetElementPostion(theElement) { var selectedPosX = 0; var selectedPosY = 0; tmpw = theElement.width; tmph = theElement.height; while (theElement != null) { selectedPosX += theElement.offsetLeft; selectedPosY += theElement.offsetTop; theElement = theElement.offsetParent; } var tempelement = new Array(selectedPosX, selectedPosY, tmpw, tmph); return tempelement; } function plugin_showdeadcenterdiv(Xwidth, Yheight, divid) { var scrolledX, scrolledY; if (self.pageYOffset) { scrolledX = self.pageXOffset; scrolledY = self.pageYOffset; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { scrolledX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; scrolledY = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if (document.body) { scrolledX = document.body.scrollLeft; scrolledY = document.body.scrollTop; } var centerX, centerY; if (self.innerHeight) { centerX = self.innerWidth; centerY = self.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { centerX = document.documentElement.clientWidth; centerY = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) { centerX = document.body.clientWidth; centerY = document.body.clientHeight; } var leftOffset = scrolledX + (centerX - Xwidth) / 2; var topOffset = scrolledY + (centerY - Yheight) / 2; var o = document.getElementById(divid); var r = o.style; r.position = "absolute"; r.top = topOffset + "px"; r.left = leftOffset + "px"; r.display = "block"; } function pluginalertShow(layerid) { document.getElementById(layerid).style.visibility = "visible"; 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i have a buddy that is the distric manager for Cash-Wa dist. in out area, ive been wanting to ask him if he has anything like that for sale.
Here in Atlanta there is a large county farmers market. Spices are available from ounces to barrels.

Might be one in Richmond.
Alright guys, if buying quantities (one pound or 5 pounds), how quick would you have to use things like garlic powder, onion powder, and other things like that without them turning stale or losing their flavor?


First of all, I have no connection. Alton Brown toured there some time ago. Since then I have checked other sources and continue to stick with them. Three generation, family owned, fair prices and shipping expenses and the spices are worth returning for. I believe they will mix your private blend, check with them.
Well, This is awesome!  Thanks for all the links!  


The way my neighbor and I cook we won't have to worry about the spices going bad.  We have started to accumulate a fan base.  I was thinking about getting one and five lb. quantities.  Then just making the rub and storing it in a good sealed container.  Although you do make a good point.  Thanks!

I do appreciate this forum and it's members.


Today we are cooking 10 butts, 6 baby backs, 2 spares, and a small chicken.

Well, This is awesome!  Thanks for all the links!  


The way my neighbor and I cook we won't have to worry about the spices going bad.  We have started to accumulate a fan base.  I was thinking about getting one and five lb. quantities.  Then just making the rub and storing it in a good sealed container.  Although you do make a good point.  Thanks!

I do appreciate this forum and it's members.


Today we are cooking 10 butts, 6 baby backs, 2 spares, and a small chicken.
Thanks Diesel,

I wasn't actually making a point---The fact that it sounded that way, is probably why nobody else answered me.

I was asking a question, because I don't use much in the way of seasonings, like most peeps on this forum.

I worry about the stuff I do use getting old.

Wow!   Quite a load you're cooking today!


Thanks Diesel,

I wasn't actually making a point---The fact that it sounded that way, is probably why nobody else answered me.

I was asking a question, because I don't use much in the way of seasonings, like most peeps on this forum.

I worry about the stuff I do use getting old.

Wow!   Quite a load you're cooking today!


Agreed... I also have this concern... I have some of my Rub i made a few months ago and i was beginning to wonder how much longer it would last... I was actually contemplating a larger smoke this weekend so i could hopefully finish off the batch...

so what is the round about shelf life (on average) for various spices... I know each spice is probably different, just looking for an estimate (and sorry... i hope i am not hijacking a thread)...

I would look at a restaurant supply house for large quantities of spices

Restaurants buy them in bulk and they normally get good quality spices
Thanks Diesel,

I wasn't actually making a point---The fact that it sounded that way, is probably why nobody else answered me.

I was asking a question, because I don't use much in the way of seasonings, like most peeps on this forum.

I worry about the stuff I do use getting old.

Wow!   Quite a load you're cooking today!


Agreed... I also have this concern... I have some of my Rub i made a few months ago and i was beginning to wonder how much longer it would last... I was actually contemplating a larger smoke this weekend so i could hopefully finish off the batch...

so what is the round about shelf life (on average) for various spices... I know each spice is probably different, just looking for an estimate (and sorry... i hope i am not hijacking a thread)...

I found this on Emeril's page

[h2]What is the shelf life of dried herbs?[/h2]
Whole dried herbs last roughly from 1 to 3 years for leafy herbs, powdered or ground herbs will last 6 months. They should not be stored in the refrigerator or too close to the stove. Nor should they be kept in a sunny spot in your kitchen. For best results, keep your herbs and spices in tightly sealed, glass containers. The best storage temperature is a constant 68°F. Temperature fluctuations will cause condensation which could cause your herbs to mold.

Herbs lose their flavor faster than spices. Dried herbs that have no color and no or very little smell when crumbled in the palm of your hand are probably too old for practical use. Even if they don't look all that green anymore but still have a scent when crumbled in your hand, they are probably still good to use. Herbs that do not have a strong smell may be losing their potency and you should consider using more in your recipe. Another helpful tip is to buy your herbs and spices in smaller quantities.

That is somewhat confirmed on this link:


Stored in an airtight container, in a cool, dry place, spices retain their potency longer than you'd think — as long as 4 years for whole spices, 2 to 3 years for ground spices, and 1 to 3 years for leafy herbs, depending on the herb.
Thanks Diesel,

I wasn't actually making a point---The fact that it sounded that way, is probably why nobody else answered me.

I was asking a question, because I don't use much in the way of seasonings, like most peeps on this forum.

I worry about the stuff I do use getting old.

Wow!   Quite a load you're cooking today!


Agreed... I also have this concern... I have some of my Rub i made a few months ago and i was beginning to wonder how much longer it would last... I was actually contemplating a larger smoke this weekend so i could hopefully finish off the batch...

so what is the round about shelf life (on average) for various spices... I know each spice is probably different, just looking for an estimate (and sorry... i hope i am not hijacking a thread)...

I found this on Emeril's page

[h2]What is the shelf life of dried herbs?[/h2]
Whole dried herbs last roughly from 1 to 3 years for leafy herbs, powdered or ground herbs will last 6 months. They should not be stored in the refrigerator or too close to the stove. Nor should they be kept in a sunny spot in your kitchen. For best results, keep your herbs and spices in tightly sealed, glass containers. The best storage temperature is a constant 68°F. Temperature fluctuations will cause condensation which could cause your herbs to mold.

Herbs lose their flavor faster than spices. Dried herbs that have no color and no or very little smell when crumbled in the palm of your hand are probably too old for practical use. Even if they don't look all that green anymore but still have a scent when crumbled in your hand, they are probably still good to use. Herbs that do not have a strong smell may be losing their potency and you should consider using more in your recipe. Another helpful tip is to buy your herbs and spices in smaller quantities.

That is somewhat confirmed on this link:


Stored in an airtight container, in a cool, dry place, spices retain their potency longer than you'd think — as long as 4 years for whole spices, 2 to 3 years for ground spices, and 1 to 3 years for leafy herbs, depending on the herb.
Thanks a lot BP !

That's longer than I thought, but I guess I will stick to small amounts on nearly everything.

It would seem I haven't been keeping most of my stuff too long.

Thanks again,

Thanks Diesel,

I wasn't actually making a point---The fact that it sounded that way, is probably why nobody else answered me.

I was asking a question, because I don't use much in the way of seasonings, like most peeps on this forum.

I worry about the stuff I do use getting old.

Wow!   Quite a load you're cooking today!


Agreed... I also have this concern... I have some of my Rub i made a few months ago and i was beginning to wonder how much longer it would last... I was actually contemplating a larger smoke this weekend so i could hopefully finish off the batch...

so what is the round about shelf life (on average) for various spices... I know each spice is probably different, just looking for an estimate (and sorry... i hope i am not hijacking a thread)...

I found this on Emeril's page

[h2]What is the shelf life of dried herbs?[/h2]
Whole dried herbs last roughly from 1 to 3 years for leafy herbs, powdered or ground herbs will last 6 months. They should not be stored in the refrigerator or too close to the stove. Nor should they be kept in a sunny spot in your kitchen. For best results, keep your herbs and spices in tightly sealed, glass containers. The best storage temperature is a constant 68°F. Temperature fluctuations will cause condensation which could cause your herbs to mold.

Herbs lose their flavor faster than spices. Dried herbs that have no color and no or very little smell when crumbled in the palm of your hand are probably too old for practical use. Even if they don't look all that green anymore but still have a scent when crumbled in your hand, they are probably still good to use. Herbs that do not have a strong smell may be losing their potency and you should consider using more in your recipe. Another helpful tip is to buy your herbs and spices in smaller quantities.

That is somewhat confirmed on this link:


Stored in an airtight container, in a cool, dry place, spices retain their potency longer than you'd think — as long as 4 years for whole spices, 2 to 3 years for ground spices, and 1 to 3 years for leafy herbs, depending on the herb.
Thank you much!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah i didnt expect that long of a shelf life! Thanks again!
I used to toss mine after about a year or so, but what I do now is see how much scent is there. If it still smells good I keep it, if not then I toss it and buy fresh.

Stuff like Garlic, Onion, Paprika, Black pepper, chile powder I use a lot so I don't worry too much about shelf life as it doesn't last long enough to go bad.

Now we have a pletheria of good super markets here in north Fla. Then we also have Sam's and Restaurant depot here too. If that doesn't work we have the penzey spice stores here too.
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