Sometimes it's tough getting old(er)...

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Gonna Smoke

Smoking Guru
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★ Lifetime Premier ★
Sep 19, 2018
South Carolina
...because, as I've found out, things hurt more, more things hurt, and things hurt longer. I've mostly been out of action lately due to a fall about 10 weeks ago that I've really struggled to get beyond. My hard head and male ego wouldn't let me go to the doctor because I was hoping things would get better, but in my heart, I knew they wouldn't. Finally decided to go to the doctor so he could tell me what I felt like I already knew...torn rotator cuff, AGAIN! Surgery has been scheduled and then the fun begins, rehab. This will be the 3rd repair on my right shoulder and 4th overall. Those of you who have been through it know just how much fun rehab is and how long it takes to return to a mostly normal life which is about a year, but I should be a lot better in maybe 3 months.

As for smoking, I can't hardly pick up anything much less open the lid on my smoker. So when I'm able to, I'll be back at it.

All of my torn rotator cuffs have been from hard falls. This one was caused by Lucy who tripped me going out the door to play. I fell from the top step which is about 4' off the ground, and landed hard on my right side and shoulder on the concrete, but I guess it could've been worse.

I now know that I've got to really slow down and pay closer attention to what's happening around me. While I'm hesitant to post about my misfortunes, I'm hopeful that others may learn from this...
Sorry to hear about that Charles. I am getting up in age as well and even though relatively healthy I have had a couple serious health issues raise there ugly heads.
Sucks that is was just a happy pup wanting to play.
I don't know if stem cells are a remedy for your condition but if you haven't yet you might ask the doc about it. Maybe after surgery it would help and speed the healing.
Prayers for a speedy recovery.
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Hard to give that a like but mostly like the end...maybe someone else will learn. That really sucks that you fell and now need surgery! It's easy to get in a hurry and not pay attention. I came off the top step of our combine last year and ended up underneath it, it was dark and carrying too much I didn't break something or hit my head I don't know. Just some blood and gravel in my elbow. Wish you the best in your surgery and rehab!

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Thanks for sharing, ,keep us posted on your progress. Good luck.
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I've been down that road and few more. Every morning when I wake up I congratulate myself on still being here. Good luck with your surgery. Think positive.
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Your luck's really running bad, Charles. Hopefully you'll be able to recover a little quicker after surgery and rehab this time. Sounds like you've had enough practice at it.
However, if you're determined to keep falling down........


Sorry to see this Charles, terrible that you have to go thru this again. Both my shoulders are shot to the point where they want to do full replacement surgery on both sides, bone on bone, restricted movement, constant pain. I've been putting it off for a couple of years now and think I will just try to live with things the way they are the best I can, the surgery scares me at my age. I had both hips replaced seven years ago, piece of cake, wish shoulders were that easy. Good luck on the surgery and rehab, you know what you are in for, slow and steady wins the race. RAY
...because, as I've found out, things hurt more, more things hurt, and things hurt longer.

So sorry. I had a torn rotator cuff, torn labrum and torn bicep on my left shoulder done a couple of years ago, and need to have the right one done as well, so I feel you. Hang in there.
Ouch! Prayers, warm thoughts, positive vibes and etc that all goes well and healing is without complications.
And here, I thought I was the only one getting old. This past August, I fell off of a ladder while trimming one of our Redwood trees and cracked 5 ribs. Finally on my way around 3rd base to a decent recovery. Will never look at a ladder the same way. Getting old sucks.

Charles, hope you recover soon.
I feel for ya, really I do, and wish you a speedy recovery and easy rehab.

Due to a work related injury last September, I had my right shoulder operated on in February.
180° glenoid superior labrum tear, torn bicep had to be cut away and reattached to the humerus via a hole and screw, 7mm bone spur ground off and the bone reshaped and cauterized and all the cartilage in the socket cleaned up.
It still aches and pains at times... Sucks.
It still aches and pains at times... Sucks.

It gets better, hang in there. It took me over a year before I realized "Hey, this no longer hurts, and I can scratch my back." Do the PT, and continue to do it even after it's over. And get a Body Blade.

Good luck.
Life really sucks at times.
Years ago when I visited the Urologist for the ... snip, the cute nurse reminded me that "gravity is your enemy!" That phrase is our mantra as we age.
Gravity, oh so true! It's no longer a minor set back at my age either. Get it fixed and make a pact to slow down. Hope the rehab goes as best as it can for you Charles. Fingers crossed for ya!
Sorry to hear this Charles , I hope you mend better this time. It is never good to have a bad fall. But like you said it could have been worse.

I also tore both of my rotator cuffs last year and my doc said he did not want to operate , because that is the last step, if I could not work on getting them better , than he would recomend the operation. He told me to work smarter.. they still hurt often but it comes and goes

I hope you mend fast this time.
Take care

Man sorry to hear that. Hope everything goes well in the surgery and a speedy recovery is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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