So My Wife Dragged This Thing Home ...............

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Smoking Guru
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Apr 13, 2010

It's a BBQ Grillware charcoal grill/smoker. The guy she got it from said he only used it for smoking, but how well it will work remains to be seen since it doesn't have a separate firebox. It has top and bottom vents on both sides so you can light the fire on on side and vent the smoke on the other. I'm just wondering how well it will regulate temperatures. The thing is built like a tank so I was thinking, if nothing else, I could possibly adapt it with a char griller firebox. I'll be trying it in a few days, so we shall see.

In the mean time, I just foiled this butt I have on my Brinkmann  electric. 

With a little elbow grease, that sucker will shine like a diamond.

I'm gonna make a guess here and say that the only way to smoke on it would be to have fire at one end and the meat at the other, Indirect style.

If it held temps decent then maybe a ring of charcoal around the outer most part of the fire box area and light one end of the coals and let it chase the unlit coals all the way around. Just a thought.

I wouldn't think that the char griller side box would be to hard to adapt and get working. 
With a little elbow grease, that sucker will shine like a diamond.

I'm gonna make a guess here and say that the only way to smoke on it would be to have fire at one end and the meat at the other, Indirect style.

If it held temps decent then maybe a ring of charcoal around the outer most part of the fire box area and light one end of the coals and let it chase the unlit coals all the way around. Just a thought.

I wouldn't think that the char griller side box would be to hard to adapt and get working.
Yea, from the way it's designed, lighting the fire on one side and cooking on the other side would be the way to do it on this one. I may fire it up and try something simple like ABT's this afternoon. 

Adding a separate firebox should be fairly simple. It will have to be mounted on the back instead of the side, but that shouldn't be a problem. I might end up going that route eventually so the whole cooking surface can be used. 
There is gonna be a bit of a learning curve as far as regulating temps on this thing. I smoked some ABT's today and it was running 300 to 315 with the firebox vents closed, so I need less charcoal than I used on this attempt next round. It holds in heat rather well, so I don't need as much charcoal as I thought I would. 

The peppers turned out well regardless, so it's all good. 
I won't say you can't smoke on that because I have done it on even smaller ones.  It will be tricky, though. 

I don't see a chimney.  How will the exhaust be vented?

Good luck and good smoking.
I won't say you can't smoke on that because I have done it on even smaller ones.  It will be tricky, though. 

I don't see a chimney.  How will the exhaust be vented?

Good luck and good smoking.

It has vents on either side of the hood that can be opened and closed ......... same with the firebox, there are vents on both sides. I had the hood vent on the opposite side of the fire open and the other closed.
That sounds like the correct setup.  Work with it a bit and let us know how it goes.

Good luck and good smoking.

Just something to play around with ...... I may add a separate firebox before it's over, but I'm going to try and get a handle on regulating temps in it as is first.
I've used this thing a few times and pretty much have controlling temps down now. I smoked this meatloaf today and was able to keep it at 250 ~ 275 easily. I still think I'll add a separate firebox eventually, but it does a fairly decent job as is now that I've got it figured out.


My wife bought me a dishwasher for fathers day once..................enough said...............

Ya didn't happen to have bought her a new vacuum or some such for a gift prior to that did you? 
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