Hey All! I currently have a
Masterbuilt electric smoker. A couple months ago, I smoked two pork butts for the first time ever and they turned out amazing. I am hosting a birthday party at my house this weekend, and I have been tasked with smoking the meat. The last time I smoked, it was cold outside, so I am sure it affected the cook time. I was hoping for help on tips/tricks/and timing this time around. The last two pork butts I smoked in February and they took almost 18 hours from start to finish. And, I really think the meat needed to rest longer, but we were too hungry and couldn't wait. This time I am smoking two 10lb pork butts for pulled pork, and a 15lb turkey. Can anyone please help with what temperature to smoke the meat at? And, I believe I need to pull the meat at 205 degrees and let it rest in a cooler for a couple of hours, correct? Also, any idea on a total cook time for two 10lb pork butts and a 15lb turkey?
Thanks so much!
Hi there and welcome.
I'd crank the MES up to 275F (likely won't actually hit 275F) and smoke those 2 pork butts at that temp. Don't worry they don't mind the temp. If you have sugar in your rub/seasoning then maybe 250F so the sugar doesn't burn. I don't put sugar in my rubs so no issues for me there.
At a steady 275F you can estimate about 1hr 7min a pound of your biggest pork butt and then probably 2 more hours since you are doing 2 pork butts.
So 10 pound pork butts that is is like 13 hours'ish just for the meat. THEN add 4 hours to that for cushion time and/or rest time. So that means plan for 17 hours.
If you want to eat at noon on Saturday you put the pork butts in like 17 hours before, which is like 8pm on Friday evening. Again this is for a 275F steady smoker temp the whole time.
If your smoker performs right on with it's temps you COULD then pop at 15 pound turkey in right after you pull the pork butts out. I've done 28 pound turkeys in less than 4.5 hours at a steady smoker temp of 275F.
Turkey skin will likely be tough at 275F but might be bite through. It's not anything you are doing wrong, it's simply how poultry skin behaves. It only behaves if you cook it at high temps or you do some other funny things to prep it to be bite through well before smoking it.
With all of that pile of info, and you having a un-modifed MES that likely doesn't truly hit and hold 275F smoking temp I would start at like 20 hours before with the pork butts.
When they were done i would tightly wrap in 2 layers of foil and then 3 bath towels and set on the counter or in a cooler.
I would then pop the turkey in.
All of that food should be done and rested and ready to go within when it is time to eat, if you start it all 20 hours before eating time :D
I hope this info helps hahaha :D