smoking a bone in and boneless ham

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Smoke Blower
Original poster
Sep 21, 2016
Wilmington, NC
Tomorrow I was planning on smoking a 9 lb bone in ham using Bear's guide like I did before for my 2 brother in laws. My mother in law got a boneless spiral cut ham that is 8 lbs and said to smoke that too so we have leftovers (which is a great idea)! Just wondering on how long the boneless ham will take since I have never done one of those before? I have a log of how long the bone-in ham took last time but thought the boneless one will take less time. Any hints on how long a boneless will take compared to a bone-in will be appreciated. Thanks
Bone has more density than meat/fat, so not only do you have slightly less mass of meat, you have no bone. Is the bone-in a rump or shank ham? Rump will take longer than shank due to larger cross-sectional density.

Assuming the spiral-cut is a rump ham, adding to the cross-sectional density, smoking along with a bone-in shank, they'd be about the same on cooking time. If the bone-in is also a rump ham, then with a 1lb difference (1/9th) in weight I'd figure 9-10% longer cooking time, then add another ~3% for bone. All of this is assuming the same finished temp...some read 138* min on the label (Smithfield???), while the spiral-cut may be higher @ 140*+.

I'd have to really dig to find where I documented my double-smoked hams, but off the top of my head, the above seems right.

The bone in is a shank portion. I took my last one to 140 internal temp and it was delicious. I will make sure to check the spiral and see what it recommends. I believe that one is a Smithfield. Thank you for breaking that down for a newbie Thumbs Up
I would say the Temp used, Finished IT, and weight of the Ham would all have more to do with how long it takes than whether it has a Bone in it or not. A bone should make very little difference.

Here's a 9.4 pound Bone-in Shank Portion I did at the Temp I use to give it lots of Smoke:

Double Smoked Ham   

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