The fresh ham is smoked the same as a Boston Butt. There are lots of threads regarding the Boston Butt here on the forum. I can tell you that I have smoked the whole fresh ham on several occasions and have absolutely enjoyed it each time.
I highly recommend that you look through the threads ..... it will be most beneficial. But briefly, you want to have it totally thawed out (preferably never frozen). Rinse it off and then dry it. Coat it with your basic ballpark mustard and then cover it with your favorite rub. Get your smoker going and bring it up to temp (about 225*). I like to use hickory wood to smoke hams/butts. I'd allow about 1 1/2 hours per pound on the ham. Bring the internal temp of the ham (don't touch a bone) to 190-200*. Take it out of the smoker and let it sit for about an hour. Then start pulling and shredding the meat. You might want to use some of Fl. Jeff's finnishing sauce on it (also search the threads here on the forum). Serve it on hamburger buns and top it with cole slaw or on a plate with baked beans and cole slaw on the side. And by the way, if you are fortunate enough to actually find a real fresh ham, that is never treated, smoked or otherwise processed, it will come out as an almost white meat. It's so delicate, and so wonderful with sandwiches or plates.
Again, look through the forum for threads on smoking butts. At the lower left hand corner of this site is a block for typing in the search words. Use those guidelines to smoke the ham. Temper the guides with what I've told you here and I'll almost guarantee you a wonderful final prduct. Please be sure and let us know how it turns out.