- I've just done my first smoked salmon smoke with a smallish piece (700gm) and at the end of the process I have only 10% weight loss. The Salmon had been in the freezer for a month; I dry cured for 8 hours; let it dry in the fridge overnight and then Cold Smoked for 8 hours. 7% weight loss from cure, 3% from smoke. In retrospect the only thing I'd change is up the salt to sugar ratio in my salt/sugar dry cure. All the articles say I need 20% loss to be safe, although I've found some people who say they never achieve 20%. So what do I do with my Salmon. I guess I can cook a piece in the oven, I can use some in a smoked salmon risotto, but I want to try it as intended as cold smoked salmon - am I risking my life? The inside of the smoker did not go above 20c. Quick responses appreciated as I guess, if I need to cook it, I need to do it in the next 30 hours, the 10% at least buying me a day grace.