Several of you mentioned that it would be nice to have a central area to follow our SMF fantasy leagues, jaw a bit about your victories and just overall discuss sports. Brian graciously created this new forum at my request to accommodate. I know we will all have fun with it while keeping it civil. Several things relative to the upcoming SMF fantasy football season:
- Cliff stepped down from commissioner of the leagues. I am now commissioner of the SMFFootballleague. As previously requested, I would like teams to confirm they plan on playing by PMing me here. That league list will be posted in a separate post. Chasing down responses to insure people are active so the league is competitive, and fun is usually the most frustrating task when heading up a league. Please help us out there by responding.
- I started a new SMF total points-based fantasy football league with board permission. This differs in several ways from the head-to-head format of all the existing leagues. First it is not based on weekly head-to-head victories but rather total points accumulated for the season. The second huge difference is rather than team defenses it incorporates individual defense players. This really adds a whole new aspect to both drafting and managing a team. It is a really fun change of pace league and was my first exposure to fantasy way back when. We need 7 more folks for that league. Please PM me for an invite.
- I believe there is at least 1 other head-to-head league that Cliff turned over to someone to run. Could you please post in this forum to identify yourself and the team roster for the league. I believe that JLeonard is running this league
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