Here ya go, You mix 1 cup of kosha salt to 4 cups of sugar. Wash a fresh piece of salmon and pat dry. Get a glass pan large enough to lay the fillet in and spinkle 1/8" deep misture on the bottom lay the fillet in and press down with your hand. Sprinkle the same amount 1/8" over the top of the fillet and press it down with your hand. Lay a piece of plastic wrap over the fillet and either another glass tray to fit onto so it will put pressure on the fillet, you can also use a piece of wood wrapped in plastic wrap of foil. Get a brick or other heavy object and place that on top of the top tray or wood to squeeze the water from the fillet. Place in fridge for 8 to 10 hours. Take the fillet out and washed it off and pat dry again. Clean the baking dish again <get it very clean, this is why I use glass> Place the fillet back in the tray and back in the fridge for a few hours. Utill it looks like it has a dry glossy skin on it <as seen above> At this point you have unsmoked Lox at this point.. Get your smoker heated to no more than 80deg. and cold smoke it until you reach the desired smoke. I did the one above for 6 hours. I used soaked hickory chunks, but split them down to splinters and fed them slowly, watchout for flames they will bring the temp up quickly, use a spay bottle to put out the flames and place the fillet the far away from the heat as possible. Next time I'm going to have an extra firebox off to the side not attatched to the smoker and have the chips in there and run a flexi vent to my smoker into that fire box. That way I won't have to feed it so often. I will slice some tomorrow and have the wife take the pic of me slicing it so you get the idea.
Disclaimer: Eating raw or undercook fish may cause food born illnesses do so at your own risk.
But then again I eat Sushi ..