Well I mixed up a batch of beef kielbasa today. I had 5 lb of 93% lean ground beef and was told that is too lean so I mixed in a little over a pound of ground pork fat. Mixed all ingredients and even a little cayenne and some crushed red pepper. Sausage was stuffed and into the smokehouse at about 150 or so for 45 minutes, then smoke put on the hotplate. Temp up to about 160 then 165 and finnaly it went up around 175ish. I'm having a hard time keeping temps down when the smoke wood gets red hot. My sausage temp steadily climbed then plateaued at 141 and it stayed put! I let it roll for a while while the house went to about 185 and then it dawned on me.. fat breaking down! I hopped on here to confirm my beliefs and I did. My smokehouse had gotten too hot and my sausage was rendering out. I stopped everything at 141. My sausage looks good, It tastes good, but is it safe having only been to 141?? I could use it for gumbos, jambalayas and other cooked dishes I guess or brown and serve for breakfast?? Thoughts?