Burnt ends... Toothpicks. A little square bottle whiskey. Looks like an awesome Sunday afternoon. Another point! B
Seasoned with SPOG and paprika/chili...
In bed until it hits this in the AM:
probably had something to do with the sodium nitrate in the rub...??!!!
Dert, Awesome slices. You're getting a good smoke ring from that electric. Nice job. Beautiful cook. Point!
I've tried the charcoal...no success??!!
Man that would be great for Breakfast. 3 fried eggs over easy, 3 slices of that brisket. OOOohh man makes me hungry... My smokintex always gives a great smoke ring. I add 2 pieces of charcoal and that's all it takes..
Pulled out at 10:30 at 10 hours at 225
Split the point for burnt ends
How long did yours take to smoke in the SI #3? I just did one overnight (about the same starting weight as yours), and it only took 4.4 hours...which seems REALLY fast at only 230*.
Not sure, yet. I had to stick it in the fridge when I got up since it was wrapped and resting in the cooler for about 4 hours already. Probably just going to end up chopping it up for sammies or cube it for some chili. Should still work just fine. I do think it was done since I probed it in quite a few places and they were all over 200*. I think my problem was that I put it on the next-to-top slot, and I think the thermostat for the auber got inserted into the brisket since that probe is about 3-4" long, and I keep forgetting that it's in there...so the auber thought the temp in the smoke box was whatever the temp of the brisket was, so it jacked up the temp on the heating element for the whole time...got super-cooked, I think.Was it done??