I dunno man. I'd like to see the context in which that statement was made. I did a google search and couldn't find anything other that repetition of this news story. There are no facts. Just a statement that was extracted followed by opinions.
Lord knows I'm no fan of big corporations and what that brings. Back in the 90's Walmart came to the small town I'm from and in short order most small businesses were gone. Prices were lower but I'm not so sure it was a benefit in the end. Service and relationships were gone as well.
These days it seems hard to believe anything. The news is slanted from all sides, the government refuses to tell the truth no matter who is in power, and big companies no longer have the motivation to be the best at whatever they do.
Seems like everyone is lying about everything. Journalism is apparently dead and gone. It used to be about presenting the facts and letting you form your opinion. Freedom of the press was ingrained in the constitution specifically to hold politicians feet to the fire. They are not doing that. Fox, CNN, Msnbc, Abc, Cbs, ect are all picking sides. Not cool.
Probably always been that way but wasn't as much right in your face as these days.
Sorry for the rant. Smoke on