Posible first brisket try going bad..

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Meat Mopper
Original poster
May 13, 2009
Richmond Ky
hey am smoking my first brisket to day I put it on at 5 am with in the past 30mins my temp started droping after holding 225-230 for the past 6hrs. long story short my masterbuilt propane smoker went out. I tried lighting it back and no luck at all. the only thing I knew to do is get it out I check the temp and it was at 156. I put it in the oven at 225. can this brisket still be salvaged thanks for any and all info
yup. 156 is good. as long as it wasnt below 140 for a long time your ok
thanks no it never got below 140. as soon I i pulled it out i checked and it was 156 so it is in the oven now. on 225. So should I still let it get to 170 amd foil it. and then wait till 190 to get out? thanks.
bmudd X2.  You're good to go.  I would foil at the 170* mark and take it to whatever you were planning on (190* for slicing, 195 - 205* for shredding).  Ya probably got plenty of smoke on it in the early hours.  Should be a tasty result!  Don't forget the Qview!
Sounds like you have come up with a great plan B just stick to it and it'll come out great
Thanks guys for the help. The funny thing is it was not even for me. It was for a guy at work I have not herd from him yet. So I dont know if that is good or bad lol. Thanks again.
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