Weather finally cleared so today was the day. My buddies son is graduating so we are doing pulled pork for his party and also for his son's best friends party. 24 butts for those and 3 for me to replenish the freezer with pulled pork. Started out getting the Lang going at 6:30.
Brian rolled in as planned at 7:30 with a whole lotta butts!
Hitting then all with a blend of Redbeard Pork seasoning and Redbeard Honey Chipotle. Crazy good combo. Here is Brian doing work while I stupidvise haha
Me being productive taking a selfie LOL
Into the smoker along with two pans of chicken stock with onions and rub. These will cook under the butts and will makeup our liquid gold for later. Added mor broth once we got the butts and broth situated in the smoker.
Big cooks for butt like this I run hot and fast. Using cherry wood in the Lang 84D Temp average 300F. Things heating up here Here we are a little further in , butts taking on beautiful color. Getting them all wrapped in pans was a bit of a fire drill so no pics. We originally went two butts and a cup of broth to a pan to find out as we loaded most that we didn't have room that way. Had to redo 3 to a pan and then good to go.We wrapped at generally 165 and pulled at 205. For this volume of meat we used the Porkinator 2000
By this time we had additional helpers in another buddy, Brian's wife and son Aiden. Bill pulled the pans from the smoker and pulled the bones. He added two at a time to a metal pot. Brian porkinated them to shredded in literally 10 seconds or so per two butts. They dump them in pans and Meg, Aiden and myself would go through removing any fat or cartilage. We also added a bit of season ng to each pan and mixed in.
After they cooled some we packed it off into 4 lbs vacuum seal bags. My old Food Saver took it in stride. 24 bags ready to hit the freezer. I'll vacuum seal mine in smaller portions tomorrow when I mix the liquid gold in.
Cleanup followed. We started at 7 and these were headed home to their freezer at 6ish. Great day spent cooking and enjoying good company. My neighbor, his wife and kids also hung with us much if the day. It was a great day. Thanks for looking! Oh I called it Rd 1 as something similar will likely happen in July for my neighbors family reunion.