How does a pellet pooper compare to running charcoal without wood chunks? Still less smokey than that? I have a large 24" x 48" 1/4" steel home built offset (documented here on the site) but I also have a Weber Summit Charcoal that I sometimes use in the smoking configuration when I want to sleep, or do a small quantity, or be away all day while something is cooking. I am currently debating getting a controller to really have that dialed in for set it and forget it or adding a pellet pooper. What are everyone's thoughts? I have had bbq off pellet poopers before and I really don't taste much more than a hint of smoke, but the rub comes out more. But it is consistently cooked well. The Summit is soooooo efficient on charcoal that cost of operation is probably a wash, or maybe even cheaper than pellets considering the run time you get when you load it up with coals. If you look at BabyBackManiac's channel, he has one and loaded it up with charcoal in that configuration and got more than 50 hours at 225 with it. I will say it also does not hold a full bag of coal, probably around 10 - 15 pounds fills the bottom section for smoking. I should weigh a bag before and after loading to see how it looks. I did a brisket flat on it yesterday, and it cooked for 13 hours and you can barely tell I burned coals. I also noticed that I don't like the flavor of too many wood chunks, so only put in 1 or 2, but so long as you are burning a nice clean fire the offset flavor is better all around. But a TON of work. I have to dedicate being there the whole time lol
I just can't get over the idea of maybe wanting to add a pellet grill, but I think a controller for the summit is the better choice.
Now, If could automate that offset by getting a robot to stoke the coals and throw on splits.......LOL