Disco those Brats look amazing!! I'm gonna have to try the addition of chicken. I believe some traditional bratwurst was made using a combination of pork and veal, which would lead to a lighter final product. Good to know that the chicken serves the same purpose at a fraction of the price of veal.
I agree on the Kitchenaid stuffer being less than optimal. I don't mind the grinder, as 5-10lbs is about the most I ever do, but that stuffer is just PAINFUL. I've been dropping hints like mad for the Grizzly 5lb. stuffer to be under the tree, so hopefully the little woman sees the light. Luckily she loves bratwurst.
As for the Passing Wind moniker, I love it!! My first sailboat was almost named "Breaking Wind" for similar reasons. The day I got it, I was sitting aboard around sunset with a buddy of mine having a few adult beverages. It was a gorgeous summer evening in a very secluded marina and the only sounds were the birds and the wind in the rigging. Suddenly, my gastric pressure relief valve deployed, violently disrupting the quiet evening and the family picnic going on 3 boats down the dock. After much snickering and locker room remarks, my buddy said, "Well I think you've just Christened your boat." He raised his glass and toasted "BREAKING WIND".
I didn't have the nerve to use the name, though I now wish I had.