Omahahaha NUB

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Original poster
Mar 29, 2014
Good day...I'm a newbie to this forum, but been doing the BBQ thing for about 15 years.  Planted in Omaha, NE after 24+ years of military duty.  

The Air Force took me to a lot of neat places in the US and some really crappy ones overseas, so I've experienced a lot of different styles of cuisine and BBQ.

I bought a Big Green Egg a few years ago and never found a reason to change, I really like the control and ease of it......until now.  I'm getting to the point where I'm 'voluntold' to cater for events for school and church events.  It takes a few weekends to mass produce with just one Egg, then fridge/freeze and reheat for the event.

Ergo, my first question:  time to get a big Texas-style 2-drum smoker, find a place to rent one a couple of times a year; and/or, what kind of smoker to buy for occasional mass production (50-75 adults).  There's a custom made verticle style (looks like a big safe) that looks cool (but is $1500).  

Thoughts?  Thanks in advance and why didn't I find you guys earlier???

Good morning and welcome Fang, Do you think that your occasional cooks will turn into more frequent cooks. I would spend as much time as I could looking at and talking to different pits and owners. So many types and styles, I have noticed that people who are smoking constantly for small or large crowds have a all in one Catering type. You need fresh water, sinks, storage and a good work area. Just some things to think about.

Gary S

Welcome to the Smoking  forum.   You’ll find great , friendly people here, all more than willing to answer any question you may have.  Just ask and you’ll get about 10 different answers—all right.  LOL.   Don’t forget to post qviews.


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