Yeah mine were like some of the early models. After 3 bad ones i said heck with em and went bradley. As you all know i use my old 4 rack as a cold smoker only, sometimes i hook a vent hose from my Traeger to my 4 rack for super smoke. My 6 rack i use for sausage which has served me well. I have done butts, briskets, fattys, ABT, MoOinks and other things with great success in the 6 rack.
This is where we are all different with many pros/cons on items. What works good for one guy might not work good for the other guy.
Besides if i get into a smoker jam i always have backups
So i'm done with mines better than yours blaa blaa blaa. So lets get on with our hobby.....SMOKE ON And post them pics with whatever yer smoker.
Yup, Here's the reason I knew what you meant about the customer service (in the past):
My Son had one of the first MES 30s that didn't smoke at all below 200˚.
I was pizzed, because I had bought it for him for Christmas!
I knew we weren't doing anything wrong, because I already had one, and it worked fine.
I called
Masterbuilt, and all I got was a little girl on the phone, reading me stupid things off of a list she had----Extension cord, wet your chips, don't open the door, etc, etc.
I told her I'll call back later, and maybe get someone who knew more. I called back again, and I swear I got the same girl, using a different name. She had the same voice, same bad attitude, and same dumb answers. My son ended up taking that one back to Cabelas, and an MES 40 followed him home. Since that
Masterbuilt found out that lack of smoke thing was a design flaw, they got a guy named Darryl to take over customer service, they began sending out FREE retro-fixes, and they have cleaned up their act to the point that causes just about everybody that deals with them to be shocked at how helpful they are.
I almost bought a Bradley, but I didn't want to pay a fortune for pucks, and since I wanted to make things like Briskets in the same one, instead of only sausage, I didn't feel 500 watts would do the job.
Like 99% of MES owners on this forum, I totally love my MES 40 (1200 watt), and my AMNS.
PS: This thread was started by a guy who wanted to know which was better, so I don't consider these posts as "mines better than yours blaa blaa blaa".