No Smoking for a While

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Master of the Pit
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SMF Premier Member
Jun 23, 2011
Everett, WA
Well, I planned some time off to help my parents go thru their stuff and see what we can eliminate, as they've finally come around to considering assisted living. Both are in their 80's, and live about 6 hours from me. My wife had rented a nice house near them for the week with a fantastic view of the Oregon coastline. We left Saturday morning and got all set up in the rental, then Sunday morning my (good) neighbor called. Saturday night we had a big wind storm near Seattle and my (bad) neighbor, still refuses to take down his tall poplars along the fence line. Three have dropped in my yard in the past couple years, taking out the back fence, and the property owner refuses to acknowledge my many written requests to cut down the rest. We had an arborist and a tree removal company look at them, and they both wrote letters saying that they need to come down.
So the bad news came from (good) neighbor that another one came down Saturday night and hit my house, causing considerable damage. The wife and I say Hello/Goodbye to my folks after a 10 minute visit, and rocket back home, but not in time before nightfall. Found a good portion of my new deck destroyed; both smokers survived, but the Weber kettle has a good sized dent in the lid.
Worse for me, the tree put several holes in my 1-year old, tri-level roof and gutters. It is pretty high, and has a steep pitch. I tried to get a tarp laid down in the dark, but being 61 now with a bad back and bum knee, I failed miserably and barely got back down w/o killing myself. Then of course, it rained last night. Now I have leaks in my master bath on the upper level and family room on the lower level. I called the insurance company and they gave me a claim number. Gee, thanks. I'm probably going to be on the phone all day today trying to get someone out to make emergency repairs, or at least get the tarp down. If that fails, I guess I'll have to give it another shot. Good neighbor is about my age, a retired fireman and he's offered to help, but he's a great guy with a great family, and I'd never forgive myself if something happened to him.

Anyhow, a few pics of the damage.
You can see here that the outer railing was ripped from the deck, along with part of the overhang. This also tore out my outside lighting.

I guess my only recourse now is to hire a lawyer and sue bad neighbor, since Allstate only seems to be interested in reimbursing me for the repair work that I have to find and schedule myself. Should have sued him before all this happened, I guess. But I never wanted to be the litigious type.
Mike, very sorry to see what happened to your house. I've been through the same in Maple Valley years back, the Inauguration Day Storm (Bill Clinton's). 98 trees came down on our property, three of them on the house. Back then there was no legal recourse, just getting things repaired. Don't know if the laws have changed or not by now.
I'm in Everett, directly under the convergence zone. Good neighbor used to work for Seattle FD, and said they helped people with fallen trees all the time. Everett FD says, "Nope."
Oh man! I feel for you brother. And yeah, I can understand not wanting to get lawyers involved. But, I think its about time. Seems Allstate would want to go after his insurance co at least.
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I'm in Everett, directly under the convergence zone. Good neighbor used to work for Seattle FD, and said they helped people with fallen trees all the time. Everett FD says, "Nope."
No one helped us either. State Farm came right out and did the estimate and cut the check right then and there, but we had to find the repair people ourselves. We actually hired a logging company's crew to come get the mess cleaned up, they took the trees/wood away for payment. And a few of the neighbors whose trees hit our house were real PITA's. I sure hope this goes OK for you, and also there are no more damaging winds. Once in a lifetime is more than enough. I hated that house after all that, and was afraid every time the winds came up, because we were surrounded still by dense fir trees. When we finally moved it was such a relief.
Now that it's light I can see better. Looks like the handle of my Weber took a hit, too.
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Holy Sh*t Mike, I am so sorry for you and your Family. Dealing with elderly parents is
hard enough but to get that storm just sucks.
I am in Kitsap County so we got some pretty bad winds as well.
I am so glad you did not get hurt in your valiant efforts to cover the roof.
Please be safe and yes get on the horn pronto to lawyer up and get repairs.
What a messed up deal, Good luck and all the best. (might want to get a headset for all the time you will be on the phone! Sheesh.)
Just went through some of this with my Mom's house . No home damage , but a huge hickory came down and half landed in the neighbors yard . I thought we would be responsible , but it's considered an " act of nature " and responsibility starts and stops at the property lines .
I offered to clean it up for him , but he hired someone to do the work .

As far as you having to hire the work done , I just had a heated " debate " over this with my Agent concerning roof replacement . OK , I was heated , he just sat there . He did finally say that they stopped recommending contractors because it makes them responsible .
It's a joke .

Dang . That's the '06 / 07 performer . They should cover that ?
By the way . Stay off the roof . I've been up high and on the edge of disaster many times . I don't do it anymore .
Don't get up there . Hire a roofing contractor and let them temp it in .
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Yeah, I know. But it's still raining and I'm still getting water damage inside.
very sorry to read about all the damage to your house and belongings! hopefully the weather will straighten out as quickly as possible and you can get things cleaned up and fixed very soon!! best of luck to you with this problem!
Man that looks bad, especially since it was preventable. I have the same feelings about lawsuits plus you have to continue living next to him. Hard to believe the insurance company doesn't want to get more involved. We have Allstate as well. and it makes me wonder.
"You can pick your friends and pick your nose, but you can't pick your neighbors."
Sorry to hear that Mike.
This has been some crazy year for weather.
Since it’s his tree, isn’t he responsible for the damage?
Sorry to hear that Mike.
This has been some crazy year for weather.
Since it’s his tree, isn’t he responsible for the damage?
I was wondering about that, too, especially since he had been warned of the possibility.
Tree trimming/removal is expensive. Maybe he just didn't have the money.
At the least, you would think HIS insurance would be responsible, not Mike's.
I feel terrible for you, Mike.

Yeah, I know. But it's still raining and I'm still getting water damage inside.
I know you're going up on that roof to try and stop the water damage, but please take your time, evaluate the situation, and proceed cautiously and slowly. Bad can things happen real fast...
Man, I'm sorry to hear about all that going on. Probably a tough time with your parents going through a new stage, and then the trees on top of it all. Wow! is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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