Nepas OTBS #242
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SS for this week
Adjust anything to your taste.
This SS recipe i use allot.
For 5 lbs. You can use any combo of meat you like. This recipe I use 4 lbs of 85/15 gb and 1 lb ground pork.
2.5 T salt (non iodized)
1 level tsp cure 1
4 t dry mustard (packed) i like Colemans
1.5 tsp ground black pepper or to your taste.
1.5 tsp mustard seed
2.5 tsp paprika (you can use smoked)
2.5 tsp garlic granules
1.5 tsp ground coriander (packed)
1/4 cup nfpdm. Note: if its a course grain you should put it in something to make finer. 1/4 cup fermento. Note: You can use Saco buttermilk powder, its the same as fermento
1 Tbsp clear Karo
3/4 cup cold distilled water.
Fibrous casings 4‐5 depending on diameter.
‐ Place stuffed casings in smoker at 130* for 2 hours with no smoke, this is the time to dry the casing so the casing and sausage can later take on smoke.
‐ Turn smoker up to 140 smoke for 4 hours with a light, moderate or heavy smoke(whatever you prefer). You want a slow rise in heat. If you smoke to hot you will not get the right results. Then bump the heat in 10* raise until your close to IT. If needed pump to 170° for another hour – you can continue to smoke or not at this point.
‐ 170 and continue to cook until the internal meat chub temperature is at least 151
‐ Once you reach your internal temp, it is time for an ice water bath to rapidly bring down the meat temp and this will also help prevent wrinkly casings on the summer sausage. After the ice water bath hang at room temp for a couple of hours and then it can be refrigerated overnight.
Adjust anything to your taste.
This SS recipe i use allot.
For 5 lbs. You can use any combo of meat you like. This recipe I use 4 lbs of 85/15 gb and 1 lb ground pork.
2.5 T salt (non iodized)
1 level tsp cure 1
4 t dry mustard (packed) i like Colemans
1.5 tsp ground black pepper or to your taste.
1.5 tsp mustard seed
2.5 tsp paprika (you can use smoked)
2.5 tsp garlic granules
1.5 tsp ground coriander (packed)
1/4 cup nfpdm. Note: if its a course grain you should put it in something to make finer. 1/4 cup fermento. Note: You can use Saco buttermilk powder, its the same as fermento
1 Tbsp clear Karo
3/4 cup cold distilled water.
Fibrous casings 4‐5 depending on diameter.
‐ Place stuffed casings in smoker at 130* for 2 hours with no smoke, this is the time to dry the casing so the casing and sausage can later take on smoke.
‐ Turn smoker up to 140 smoke for 4 hours with a light, moderate or heavy smoke(whatever you prefer). You want a slow rise in heat. If you smoke to hot you will not get the right results. Then bump the heat in 10* raise until your close to IT. If needed pump to 170° for another hour – you can continue to smoke or not at this point.
‐ 170 and continue to cook until the internal meat chub temperature is at least 151
‐ Once you reach your internal temp, it is time for an ice water bath to rapidly bring down the meat temp and this will also help prevent wrinkly casings on the summer sausage. After the ice water bath hang at room temp for a couple of hours and then it can be refrigerated overnight.