Am considering a 30" Masterbuilt Digital. Model number 20070910. If I keep it covered, is it safe to store it outdoors?
Would anyone know if I can add handles on the sides? And finally, the 0910 model does not come with the internal temperature probe, where as the model with the window in the door does. Should I spend the extra money for the probe model? Should tell you I'm getting the unit from Gander Mountain for $i79.00 plus a rebate of additional $70.00 Will appreciate any and all comments. LAMA1
Would anyone know if I can add handles on the sides? And finally, the 0910 model does not come with the internal temperature probe, where as the model with the window in the door does. Should I spend the extra money for the probe model? Should tell you I'm getting the unit from Gander Mountain for $i79.00 plus a rebate of additional $70.00 Will appreciate any and all comments. LAMA1