Since cooking, smoking, and grilling seems to be my biggest hobby, I have decided I want to finally get into charcoal grilling and smoking. I am always browsing on craigslist and came across a Weber Performer Gold. The seller said he'd take $150 for it. It includes the cover which costs an additional $40 and is in really great condition. Purchased a year ago new by the seller. My question is this. Only differences between this model and the regular weber one touch gold is that it has a table/cart, a charcoal bin, and a timer ( which seems insignificant). New, these items would cost $340. I just don't know if that's worth buying it for the few extras it has for $150 when I can get a new OTG for $150. Any opinions or advice would b helpful. Thanks all!
Here's the amazon link to the grill model
Here's the amazon link to the grill model