I was ordering some Qmatz on Todd's Amazen site and noticed on the clearance page he has user return MAVERICK ET-732 REMOTE SMOKER THERMOMETERS for $29.99 (50% off)!
This is an Amazing deal and Todd is a very well respected member and vendor on this site.
If there are fellow smokers that need a remote read thermometer these are great, I use mine every time I smoke.
I see Hooked on Smoke just ordered his: http://www.smokingmeatforums.com/t/253531/amazen
Have fun.
This is an Amazing deal and Todd is a very well respected member and vendor on this site.
If there are fellow smokers that need a remote read thermometer these are great, I use mine every time I smoke.
I see Hooked on Smoke just ordered his: http://www.smokingmeatforums.com/t/253531/amazen
Have fun.