Hi there and welcome!
What I am about to tell you will sound very counter intuitive BUT it is 100% true, but first let me answer your questions.
Yes, there is a way to test your burner. It involves doing a very simple rewire so the plug feeds power directly to the heating element when you plug it in. WARNING: there will be no control so it will heat up and get hotter and hotter until you unplug it.
No, there are no other tests to consider besides rewiring and plugging in to see if the heating element heats up.
Now on to the fun stuff.
You very likely lucked out scoring this free
Masterbuilt Electric Smoker 40 inch (MES40). If there is no issue with the heating element then you are in prime position to easily make this smoker into one better then anything
Masterbuilt makes brand new!
So the simple rewire I mentioned above is literally cutting the ends off 4 wires and then splicing together with a pair of wire nuts to make 2 new whole wires.... that's it!
The rewire makes the smoker dumb so when power goes to the cord, it feeds to the heating element bypassing all of the electronics that
Masterbuilt put in there. This is good because the electronics are of no use anymore without a controller.
Ok, so now that we covered the rewire let's cover next steps.
I suggest you buy an Auber PID Controller. The PID (stand for Proportional-Integral-Derivative) will allow you to punch in a set temp and will cut power on/off to the smoker until it measures the set temp inside of the smoker.
The PID controller works like this:
- you plug your rewired MES40 into the PID controller
- plug the PID controller into the wall for power
- drop the thermometer into the smoker and clip to a rack
- enter your set temp into the PID
- PID will take power from the wall and feed to the MES40 plug until the smoker heats up and hits the set temp you entered into the PID
- PID will then hold within 1-3 degrees of your set temp!!!!!
Now the hard part to swallow... one of these amazing Auber PID Controllers will run you about $150 before shipping. WHAT???
Yeah this is where you think "I could almost buy a brand new MES40 for that price".
You almost... almost could BUT you can't AND there is NO smoker new or otherwise that
Masterbuilt makes that will come near the performance of this rewired smoker with the PID controller!!!
The best analogy I can give is like this.
A new MES40 is like buying a car, but you are buying a Ford Fiesta.
What you are doing here is like someone gave you a paint worn 1967 muscle car that didn't have an engine. So for a little less money you put a paint job and drop a 454 engine into it and guess what, you can freakin blow people off the road if you want and what you have is in NO WAY close to a Ford Fiesta hahaha.
I always say the best MES you can get is a free one that you rewire and drop a PID controller onto and you are like halfway there my friend! :)
Here is a super detailed post on the simple rewire for going the PID controller route. Many of us have gone this way and ALL of us are shocked we waited so long to do so hahaha none have regrets.
Lately I've seen a number of posts about guys wanting to rewire their MES. I had wanted to post a quick and simple guide for those out there that are curious or those that simply need to rewire but need a little assistance. Well here goes. Disclaimer: When messing with electrical equipment...
Finally, if you rewire and go PID route you can hold temps within 1-3 degrees of what you set. This means you can actually smoke bacon, sausage, and sandwich meat loaves without fear of melting the fat out. Total control!!!
You can now do jerky and really low temp smokes for like fish nuggets and such with no fear of over cooking anything.
Also you can actually hit the 275F max temp that the smoker claims but rarely hits on it's own.
Nothing but wins man.
Finally, finally, I would take that to a spray car wash and spray it clean inside, being gentle with the heating element, and then let it dry open for a number of days. My brother did that with his used one :)
If you made it this far in the post then ask any and all questions you have and we can get you sorted out. I PROMISE you will not be disappointed if you go the PID route :)
I hope this info helps :)