The 'betus sneaks up. My great grandmother, grandfather, and mother were all T1. My finger sticks were always under 100 until they weren't and it happened fast. Eyes went all blurry and on the metformin I went. 3 metformins a day keeps me around a 5.2-5.5 A1C if I'm not on keto. Rice jacks my sugar up worse than straight sugar - which sucks because rice is a food group to a native Louisiana boy, so on rice days I pop an extra. Flour and taters don't get me nearly as bad. For a while I went to my gumbo with tater salad.
will confirm that I'm not crazy for that, even if it isn't something all Coon's do.
Big like for your m n c
I like to set a glaze my smoked sausage (think burnt ends) with SBR and put it in my m n c
Brisket m n c is something to die for. Now I want burnt end m n c