I made 20# of Lebanon bologna like I always do. I normally use 10# and 10# 73% ground beef. That gives me a 13.5% fat content. Since ground beef is gone up so high in price I decided to use just deer and pork fat. I used 17# and 3# of pork fat for a 15% content. I mixed it for 20 minutes and it seemed to have a very mice protein extraction and looked mixed very well. Next day I stuffed into 2" casings and cooked slowly in the smokehouse. Smokehouse never for but to 172 at the highest and only at the end. Meat got a 142 and 146 on the two probes I had in the seven casings.
The fat liquified to the casing. When I pull the probes at the end they literally squirted at me. I have never had this happen except once with a gas smoker and the dry wood caught on fire and it got over 250 in it and it wasn't this much liquid. Is pork fat a no go for bologna and melt too easily? I was looking to cut costs and just use fat to deer. Would beef fat be better as this was awful. I have not cut them yet to see how dry hey got. Worst case they get sliced for cubes into pasta salads.
This was a huge utter failure. I'd like to change content for fat to cut costs, but now I wish I spent $40 on beef.
The fat liquified to the casing. When I pull the probes at the end they literally squirted at me. I have never had this happen except once with a gas smoker and the dry wood caught on fire and it got over 250 in it and it wasn't this much liquid. Is pork fat a no go for bologna and melt too easily? I was looking to cut costs and just use fat to deer. Would beef fat be better as this was awful. I have not cut them yet to see how dry hey got. Worst case they get sliced for cubes into pasta salads.
This was a huge utter failure. I'd like to change content for fat to cut costs, but now I wish I spent $40 on beef.