Lessons in Seasoning

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
Aug 3, 2015
Alexandria, VA
My 5 year old daughter loves oatmeal with cinnamon. She didn’t think My wife put enough cinnamon in and asked for the jar, we warned her…..little goes far! But, what do grown ups know?

I wish I had a picture of her face after a bite! She understands now!

It reminded me of when I was about the same age and learned this valuable lesson with pepper on Mac n cheese! My Father warned me, but what did he know?

Curious to know when anyone else learned if a little seasoning is good, a lot is definitely NOT better?
Not exactly a seasoning, but when my daughter was about 10, we went to a local pizza joint. She decided that she wanted an anchovy pizza. Nothing we said could talk her out of it, so we asked the owner if we could buy a small fillet for her to try. He said sure, he'd give it to us free if he could take a picture of her eating it. She did, and he did, and she decided that she did NOT want anchovies on her pizza. That picture went up on his wall. Lesson learned.
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Not really a seasoning per se. But, remember when Nestle Quick came in the square can with the lid that you had to pry off? Well just so happens that Nestle cocoa came in the same kind of can. Y'all make note....Cocoa does NOT make chocolate milk like Quick does.
I was 5 maybe 6 years old. Just starting to be able to cook some simple things for myself, with permission. So I scrambled a couple eggs, then proceeded to top them with granulated garlic. My dad told me “ be carful with that, a little goes a long way” I then proceeded to cover them up in garlic powder. One bite and I spit it out, eew! Dad then says “ I told you so. Now bring that plate over to the table, sit down and eat those eggs.” I did so under his watchful eye. Always respected every seasoning after that, not just garlic.
Some great stories here!

Seasoning of a different sort...we live in the house my dad grew up in. Back then they had a coal burning furnace, chimney went up along dining room wall with a clean out cap. Remember my uncle telling me they were sitting eating eggs for breakfast...suddenly clean out cap blew out and everything covered in soot! All he said " they were such good eggs!"

Too cute Jed!! Some folks just have to learn the hard way :emoji_wink:

Curious to know when anyone else learned if a little seasoning is good, a lot is definitely NOT better?

Well sir, now that you mention it, I clearly remember when I was 4 learning that fabric softener (the pink liquid) does not taste nearly as good as it smells :emoji_laughing:

Still trying to forget that taste....
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