I've been doing a lot of research on tow-able smokers. Based on what I have read, my budget and how often/much I will be cooking I was 90% sold on the Lang 60. BUT wait, there's more...
A co-worker tells me of a friend of his selling a Meadow Creek TS120 for a great price. I've used the search here and on other sites and can't find much about the Meadow Creeks. So for those with first hand knowledge, is the TS120 better smoker? Can it be used at all for grilling or is it a single purpose rig?
A co-worker tells me of a friend of his selling a Meadow Creek TS120 for a great price. I've used the search here and on other sites and can't find much about the Meadow Creeks. So for those with first hand knowledge, is the TS120 better smoker? Can it be used at all for grilling or is it a single purpose rig?